Trinidad Newsday
Former Port of Spain mayor Keron Valentine plays the national anthem as members of his slate Team New Times stand at attention at Newtown Playboyz panyard, Woodbrook last Thursday. Valentine is seeking election as Pan Trinbago president on October 28. PHOTO BY SUREASH CHOLAI
Former Port of Spain mayor Keron Valentine boldly promised to pay pan players before the end of the year, if voted as president of Pan Trinbago in the organisation’s October 28 election.
“I want to commit to all pan players, with every confidence, that outstanding payment for Panorama 2018 will be paid before the end of 2018, should Team New Times (TNT) be elected into office, and of course with Keron Valentine as your president,” he promised.
Valentine made the statement at the launch of the team TNT slate at Newtown Playboyz panyard, Woodbrook, on Thursday night.
Steups, Empty promises!, Diaz said that, Forteau said that. and the monies are still outstanding. With all due respect to Mr. Valentine, he is in no position to make A PROMISE LIKE THAT, that is a political ploy which is conditional on he being elected as President.
Mr. Cooper: When FORTEAU decided to allow 185 Bands the right to VOTE in THIS ELECTION -- it automatically knocked KERON and BEVERLEY out of the race. But -- politically speaking -- IT IS A GOOD POLITICAL PLOY!!!
PROMISES GALORE: “I want to commit to all pan players, with every confidence, that outstanding payment for Panorama 2018 will be paid before the end of 2018, should Team New Times (TNT) be elected into office, and of course with Keron Valentine as your president,” he promised.
Team TNT will go to local and international bodies, he said [Peter Kanhai], to engage them in assisting the organisation to complete that headquarters, which will include a pan factory and warehouse, a chrome factory, an amphitheatre, an 80-room convention-style hotel and a gas station.
And why in heaven's name would you POSE with KEITH DIAZ?
Same question I asked myself, ah taught the eye-con was internet savvy, was impressed with the big roll-out, bullet point presentation, wondered why all these over-qualified people want to run this failing business operation.
He wrapped himself in the Boogsie cloth to validate he true worth. Boogsie endorsed the Queen, excuse meh HER MAJESTY. Telegraphing his message with the head of the CRIME family. He tink pan musicians DESPERATE de go buy CAT in BAG.
This is what resonated with me Peter Kanhai, who will contest the position of vice president "The memorandum of agreement and what it contains has to be made known, he said, and the true position of the organization has to be dealt with."
If I'm going to apply for a job at this LEVEL I'm doing a back-ground check on the COMPANY, unless, YOU and your team will be SOWN to SECRECY when yuh join the criminal enterprise?
Calling it as I SEE it.
Now I get the PICTURE....Not the kind of endorsement I would want to project. A picture PAINT a thousand words.