Another fine Children’s Carnival; the grand Soca Monarch finals; a strident tone infiltrating through the half-opened car window (“Who the hell is Machel Montano? Girl, I was vex!); the young woman in fishnet stockings and gym boots hanging with friends Carnival Friday night on Tragarete Road. A premonition from a voice by over so: “Despers can’t cut style.” Oh yes, and plenty of Pan on Panorama Saturday.
It could have been Fight Night the way blows landed and blood flowed on the canvas, a place we all fear.
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It has been said over and over . ... DO SOMETHIING FOR PAN ..... a trust by the Prime Minister and the opposition could make it happen. One of the steps is to bring the Panorama Champions small medium and large as they performed on stage, that is the entire band to Brooklyn, New York for Labor Day 2011. I heard them all thanks to CARNIVALTV.
Horace L. Morancie
Brooklyn, NY
I know others like All Stars have also performed at the same events in the past.
Expanding this can only benefit steelpan.