Panorama 2015

This years panorama was the best I have heard from NY in a very long time despite the set up time in stage for the bigger bands I made my regular rounds to all of the panyards the week leading up to panorama and then on the night before panorama I made my last pass all bands where going hard in to practice was surprised to see how early Harmony finished practice as I got to them about 9 and they where all liming in the yard.

1. Radoes Great performance

2. Casym excellent performance and love the marching band they cant complain this time around about using an e-pan

3. Adlib The band seems to still be adjusting to the arrangers style but they should stick with him.

4. Crossfire I expected them to come higher the use of the big drum was great and the arranger stuck to the song.

5. Pan Sonatas Great job but they seem more comfortable with the arranger this year its a winning band they shall get back in to the swing soon.

6. Despers they are doing great with the arranger some more work and they will be back on track.

7. Pantonic Bradly children they are still in recovery mode since the lost of him but if they stick with Andre they will be good to go, Song was great but some of the runs took away from some the enjoyment of the song.

8. Metro best I have heard them since the return, song could have went down much better maybe if boogsie sent up one of is helpers.

9. Steel explosion Freddie did great but some parts of the song needed some more work.

10. Harmony they did not seem like they came to really compete they song seemed less than 7 min, the Manager has been hopping from arrangers and not giving the players enough time to adjust, my last visit I saw the arranger had to guys assisting him in drilling the band but seem like they had their hands full the kids was not about practicing, song could have been executed better with proper drilling he should have gotten the drill masters from the start and not last min, seen the two guys with other bands I know they can prepare a band for panorama.

This my opinion and it is not ment to hurt any feelings.

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    Peace and Pan

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