Looks like we will have to order more lipstick and perfume than normal to camouflage this 2017 Panorama this year. Anyway, the ending is near.
How would you label this years Panorama season if it was a movie thus far. Is it a drama, love story, tragedy, comedy, crime story, mystery, romance, thriller, history, adventure, biography, sci-fi, or documentary? And why?
I would definitely label it a horror movie "Panorama In The Dark", while the vampires still looking for more blood, panplayers and other pan lovers are 'diggin friggin horrors'. Will they be paid their monies and will Panorama be coming off? Scary!
The movie should be a Documentary about Panorama’s birth and the politics behind it, when it started, the government role towards curbing the unemployment situation for panmen and getting their support. This was part of Eric Williams’s strategy towards helping develop strong community loyalties to the PNM.
Mr. Traverso: PAN TRINBAGO is NOT a BUSINESS!!! And NOBODY(none of the 12,000 people lined up to replace KEITH DIAZ from his FREECO position of power) will ever do a better job. PAN TRINBAGO is a political organization. Here is a little article that puts the discussion in better context. And, by the way, I do not ALWAYS say nice things about MY PRESIDENT -- MR. KEITH DIAZ!!!
The holistic view taken by some commentators and pundits—of Panorama being in need of “fixing”—has raised the question of why has this analysis not been done and implemented before this recession, and why, even in these times, does the State still pump money in the millions into Carnival and its events such as Panorama.
A simple answer could be that Panorama represents the apotheosis of the national instrument. That reasoning was supplied by steelpan researcher Dr Kim Johnson, who spoke to the T&T Guardian about the idea of the continuation of the state-funded event within the context of moribund standards for the industry of steelpan throughout the year.
Johnson noted the history of Panorama: “Panorama was the PNM government of the 1960s taking control of the steelband movement, what they saw as national culture. The strategy included making it more lucrative to play in Panorama because of prize money and appearance fees than to play in parties and fêtes.”
The intrigue continues with the assertion that the early Panorama became the antithesis of the existing Bomb competition with opposing class and racial groups challenging for control and influence—the new governing elite insisting that calypso be played versus the working class playing classical music—and critically voter support.
“PNM had no organised masses like a union, so panmen represented a structured link to the voting masses,” said Johnson.
Arthur if there was a fund drive of only $100, at this moment Pan Trinbago would not make that mark with Keith Diaz at the helm. Even the people who voted for him would not dare turn around and donate their money to him..
I think it is a biography. It is the story of one man's struggle to lift the STEELBAND MOVEMENT out of the abyss of dependence and poverty and bring the organization to self-sufficiency, respectability and musical excellence. However, in an island besieged by a crab-in-a-barrel mentality, the central character finds himself dogged by critics on global websites and sabotaged by fellow members of his executive board. Even the government that he empowered by getting hundreds of thousands of his membership to vote into office eventually betrays him by giving the NCC the Panorama Millions to disburse for PANORAMA 2017 -- leaving him penny-less with a big new luxurious house to maintain.
But fueled with passion for the love of THE INSTRUMENT, Keith Diaz reaches out to business leaders and investors worldwide and builds a BIG BEAUTIFUL EVENTS CENTER (on the land given to PAN by Panday) which flourishes financially and becomes a central cultural agency from which PAN gains global recognition musically and commercially for its astounding success.
Billions of dollars roll into the coffers of PAN TRINBAGO and Keith Diaz is honoured in every quarter. Leading to the greater population voting him into office as PRIME MINISTER of Trinidad and Tobago. Later on, statues of KEITH DIAZ are built in every PAN YARD in Trinidad and Tobago honouring this exemplary citizen as the SAVIOR OF PAN in the MECCA OF PAN.
Ay, Ay wey de pan gorn?
Panorama 2017, the B.S of it all.
Claude I don't understand why you would dream up this "horror movie". Why are you trying to scare Merrytones like that?
All of the above. Why? because of the players.