Global - This year’s scintillating steelbands’ performances at the National Panorama Medium & Large Conventional Finals are captured “live” on DVD, CD and Flash Drives.
The 2019 release is a collaborative production of Pan Trinbago Inc and WACK. It is available at Cleve’s One Stop, Frederick Street, Crosby’s, 54 Western Main Road, WACK Studios, and at Pan Trinbago’s Head Office, cor. Duke & Melbourne Streets, Port of Spain.
The digital collectibles promise to fill the void for many Trinbagonians at home and abroad and those who want a souvenir of national culture and heritage- the Steelpan.
The two-disc DVD features ten Medium Steel Orchestras (Disc 1) while Disc 2 comprises ten Large Steel Orchestras as they appeared at the Grand Finals on the night of the competition.
The DVD (HD 720P), Flash Drive (16GB) and CD recorded (stereo digital) are lasting tributes to the skills of the musicians, tuners and arrangers.
A limited-edition stock retails at TT$300.00, TT$350.00 and TT$200.00, respectively.
Media Communications
Pan Trinbago