November 4, 2019
PAN TRINBAGO president Beverly Ramsey-Moore says steelbands can expect payment on Monday for their involvement in this year’s Panorama competition. Preliminary judging for next year’s competition is also scheduled to start on Monday.
"We are not sure how much we will be able to pay, but there will be a reimbursement of funds. All the single pan bands will be paid part of the commitment so that they can begin having some of their expenses covered."
She also said: The extent of the financial problems in which Pan Trinbago had found itself, were unimaginable and very serious.
"She also said: The extent of the financial problems in which Pan Trinbago had found itself, were unimaginable and very serious."....
The genesis of the extent to which the President and her Cabinet arrived into office a year ago can be more easily understood by going to EITHER of the verifiable links above.
Though this information is a year late....better late than never so that as the organization rethinks its strategies over the next year to reduce our debt by another 18 million over the next year. KUDOS to them for that.