The Central Executive of Pan Trinbago has elected to allow the leadership of participating steelbands in this year’s National Panorama Competition to pay individual Player Remittances.
Keith Diaz, president of the world governing steelband body says a decision taken by his executive was taken to pay a lumpsum to bands. In turn, bands will issue individual cheques.
Speaking at a meeting of Single Pan Band representatives held at the VIP Lounge, Grand Stand, Queen’s Park Savannah, Port-of-Spain, on Tuesday, he said the management of participating bands will be required to produce a complete and final list of the performing cast on the day of competition. Based on those numbers, bands will receive a lumpsum from which issue cheques equally.
At the meeting, Pan Trinbago secretary Richard Forteau made it clear the payment was not taxable and each player will receive even payments.
He quoted a section of the Panorama 2018 rules which stated, “Any band that fails to pay their players as per list submitted, will be held accountable for the money.”
Entitlement of Registration for players, as set out in the rules and regulations governing Panorama 2018, are as follows:
Only players who are registered with Pan Trinbago shall be authorised to perform in the competition.
Players shall be authorised to perform with one steelband in the division of the competition
A lumpsum payment will be payable to each band as players remittance to be paid to performers who have been certified as having performed at the preliminary round
Band leaders are required to submit the list where players signed for receiving their remittance as evidence of receipt
Any band that fails to pay their players as per list submitted, will be held accountable for the money
The amount of players counted at the preliminary round and signed off by the respective band official cannot be changed after submission.
from the news desk of Pan Trinbago
A lot of bands are going to be full this year... on paper that is...
Question: For transparency, this information must be made public. Otherwise, there is no way of knowing if Pan Trinbago are distributing the funds in the proper fashion. For example, is the amount of funds given to each band in the three different categories going to be the same if they have the same amount of players?
ppl sorry for not be present as i should. i biz with the panorama thing. the man say the bands getting money for players how much?
This is just an additional opportunity for pan players to be ripped-off, this time by the unscrupulous management of some steelbands. Who de cap fit!!
Well, players don't have to play for a particular steelband, or any steelband. Players contemplating joining a steelband should talk to other members if they are concerned about this, before committing to the band.
I doh care how much money DIAZ and FORTEAU teef anymore. Dem fellahs so politically brilliant -- they deserve the right to steal EVERY PENNY from dem PAN MEN and dem.
But ah still say that if THE CIP had hired me as a POLITICAL CONSULTANT -- ah coulda TAKE DEM TWO FELLAHS DOWN!!!
To take down the crooks you have to think like the crooks. Who's willing to show their true colours.