Well what's new? PanTrinbago not necessarily to blame. The only decent coverage to last night's event was on Facebook. Yes Facebook. courtesy of WACK FM. Kenny Phillips live Stream. Although I'm not a big fan of WACK, I have to admit KP is definitely Culture Krazy.
Now the big question is did WACK get sufficient donations to be able to put non the same coverage for the finals night? I sure hope they did.
They may have to beef-up the stream to cater for a larger audience come the final.
Perhaps a tax on other medium like other TT television and radio stations as a form of financial punishment for not promoting local culture to its fullest.
in addition WACK did not even break once for an advert. Worth paying for!
Even the interview with Keith Diaz was good.
The beauty of viewing it on Facebook was as an added feature through Google Chrome I could link it to my TV in my living room and enjoy the whole thing on 50" screen.
What an experience!
Once again Thank you Kenny Phillips and WACK fm.