
  • As far as panorama is concerned, it is a blessing in that it's the only time the instrument is showcased internationally and locally. All the other tentacles attached to it make it a curse.
  • It's all up to PAN TRINBAGO,,,,to change or add or subtract,,to or from Panorama,,,,to bring PAN to the international level it should be on,after all these years. We can only suggest to them ,ideas and opinions,and hope that they listen ,with a positive ear,and do something positive for PAN. KEITH DIAZ ,my brother,,DO SOMETHING FOR PAN,,,,YOU HAVE THE POWER,,,,,,,,BLESSINGS.
  • I found out recently that this year an arranger in the Medium category was also hired as drill master by another rival Medium band…what will you call that Cecil?…Blessing or Curse?...

    • merrytones, that's called the "big hustle"

  • We can post all day and all night but KEITH DIAZ holds the KEYS to the KINGDOM of PAN. And nothing is going to change over the next six years of his reign. Worse yet, I get the impression that Rowley and the School Girl both don't want to deal with him.

    • Guys my fear is not for the Administration of Pantrinbago, Or Mr Diaz as you might think.The true revelations about panorama are going to hurt a lot of people.And on a public forum my not be the best place to air such. I am interested in the development of the art form and if I'm going to fight with my fellow members I think it should be done Inhouse..

      • Inhouse is in its birthplace, Trinidad & Tobago total. Unless we see Pan as a Trinidad & Tobago conversation, it aint going nowhere with dem "inhouse" invalids.

        • Bertel: Where have you been? Man still coming on this forum and praising DIAZ as the MESSIAH OF PAN. Could you imagine that? Maybe you and I wrong, boy!!! Diaz is the GREATEST THING THAT EVER HAPPEN TO PAN!!!

          • Claude boi, he just mite be!!

            • LORD HAVE MERCY!!!! And one set ah NONSENSE TALK on this FORUM about PAN GOING FORWARD under KING KEITH DIAZ!!!

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