Panorama Finals 2011 DVD and CD feedback

Joel Hamilton-Mills says
"I like the documentary feel of the DVD, most of it is good...............However they still have a way to go, as the mistakes are more sloppy that anything, i.e. wrong labelling of bands, wrong music playing in the background (check out Calling meh playing while Boogsie is talking!) & the Audio is disgusting!!! They are making so-called intelligent people look real stupid as they are making judgements based on it!

Anybody else seen the DVD or heard the CD?

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  • Tubbs. I've seen the DVD and i am glad that there were none availble in the airport. Too many mistakes and I would have felt ripped off.

    It sounds as if they used Pan Elders (first band to play in thhe medium category) to do a sound check. The same to a lesser extent could be said about the audio during All Stars performance.

    Incorrect music playing in the background during interviews (Boogsie and one other that I can't mention)

    Inconsistent sound levels yet again.

    Yet AGAIN they fail to show the performances of the small bands - yet Pan Trinbago officials were preventing anyone from recording band performances on stage at the Single Pan/Small Band finals. A lot of the small band performances were on par, if not better than, the performances of the large bands.
    • the pan trinbago official who was telling people to turn off their cameras should have told us where we could buy the official small bands dvd...
      • Noah that official, is a criminal.  Pan Trinbago should be taken to court by the small bands.



        • The small and single pan sides continue to be the best-kept secret of panorama. The few who made the trip to Arima this year were well-rewarded. But it shouldn't be exclusive like that. The single pan side that places last at preliminaries should get the same level of attention that the winning large band at finals gets.


          To that end, Yoichi Watanabe, Kats Imai and UTT have been working very hard for several years now. I must publicly commend them for their efforts. I can't wait until their recordings are made available to pan lovers across the world. 

  • Advance Dynamics you said on March 9th 2011 the Panorama Finals 2011 DVD available with special features and interviews in stereo. Our 5.1 offering will follow is March 22nd - could you give us an update when the 5.1 offering would be available?
  • I did not listen to the CD, but my friend got ripped off with the CD, He was told at the airport as he was on his way back to the USA  that there are 2 CDs and they are the large and medium bands. When he got home there was 2 CDs of the large bands only, (5 bands on each CD). They (pantrinbago)  should have known that the max mins on a CD disc is 80mins (DVDs are diff 120mins) and on the package the infomation of the large and the medium bands was printed, that was false advertisement.
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