It would take TIME, MONEY, BRAINS, and CREATIVITY to bring that AUDIENCE into the FOLD.

And that EXECUTIVE you have running PAN TRINBAGO cannot even connect with the LOCAL AUDIENCE to get them to come to a SINGLE PAN SHOW IN NOVEMBER in THE MECCA -- so how do you expect them to reach out to the INTERNATIONAL AUDIENCE?

Now I agree with you that that is where the PAN GOLD is -- and I even believe that I could be of GREAT ASSISTANCE helping to develop that market. But the people that you have RUNNING PAN TRINBAGO do not have the vision to IMPLEMENT that PROGRAM.

How many years ago did you say that you tried to sell it to PATRICK ARNOLD (a man who should have known better ... and I know of what I speak) ... and with BEVERLEY IN CHARGE there is even LESS HOPE from my VANTAGE POINT!!!

But don't give up on the idea!!!


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