Panorama is the lifeblood of the organization, the indisputable factor or influence that gives the movement and its practitioners strength and vitality. The undeniable single factor that can authoritatively identify Trinidad and Tobago as The mecca of pan. I believe Panorama is necessary. If it is that there is consensus in the pan fraternity that the current administrators have consistently displayed their inability to responsibly and astutely manage that show and the returns it generates, what contingency plans have been developed over the past few months that can demonstrate a capacity to successfully supersede what exists?
Succession planning seems to be nonexistent in the wider steel band community, and should be prioritized in a structured manner to ensure smooth transitions in management at band level and at a national level. Critical thinking seems to be lacking, and analytic skills deficient, honesty in an oxymoron, and the ability to see past the next handout may be stifling band leaders, or those who consider themselves band owners, or delegated representatives the desire to progressively develop the human capital within their organizations. Succession planning seems to be forbidden and prohibited in organizations, where potential is ambushed, where any evidence of the capacity and ability to lead, instead of being nurtured is summarily executed.
The evidence suggests that there is no shadow executive.
The evidence suggests that a steering committee has not been considered or in place.
Therefore it is not unreasonable to conclude that there are just two choices available, panorama with an executive that is being projected as undesirable, or no panorama.
What I would choose to describe as the sterility of some views, and the challenges associated with intelligently interpreting objectivity is regrettable, even mildly discouraging, and it would not be inconsiderate to compare that behavior with that of the host responsible for spreading the virus resulting in the stagnation affecting the local steel band movement, fueling its dormancy. Stagnation of views in an effort to take meaningful discussion forward. Stagnation of thought inhibiting meaningful dialogue leading to action on rational suggestions put forward. Stagnation of ideas resulting in the inability to propose intelligent, solution based responses to issues identified.
I did not come on this forum to be popular, I did not come on this forum to win friends or influence people, as my name is not Dale Carnegie, I did not come forward to seek anyone's blessings or approval. I am not running for, or do I have any desire or intention for office at any level, or on any platform, on any slate, or independently at any given time. I am not a supporter or detractor of anyone's, or any group's agenda. I have no agenda hidden or public, I do not intend, or desire to usurp anyone's authority, I speak openly, and the views I express are independently hatched in my simple mind.
I intend to address the mafia that is the delegate system next.
Thank you to the usual suspects, Claude, Cecil, ODW, Ingrid, Merrytones, Glenroy, Mercer and others i elude to mention
your valuable input.
A special heartfelt gratitude to Russell for belling this cat AND to the ubiquitous Tony Smith; for both showing me, how best to push a conversation to the limitations of the threat to within the reach of the long arm of the law....... But walk away to agree to disagree,..without being disagreeable..
For the way forward, reporting from Mecca... Thanks for the lessons..
Whilst talk of boycotting , society views that as antagonistic, and while society may not support such an antagonistic viewpoint, getting in the way of the Nation's enjoyment of the national festival..., my 22 million dollar question is how much more are the players are to be used to only be discarded until Govt feels to pay...whatever they want whenever they want
Doh come and tell me nutten about times hard and de country under pressure economically, cause Arrangers, tuners, transporters, prize money ain't cutting by 33%,.....only players must feel the cut.....and carry the festival ..Nah man Tony.. Not so.....come on brother!
And on top of that, going back to an overall zonal quota system,...because Tobago bands excellence is so consistent, that the route to cutting transport expenditure is to go back to a unjust system of imposing zonal quotas impaired by subjective judging to ensure that gets their 10%....REALLY?!!!
When yuh go by KFC to buy a box of chicken, try getting food without paying the cashier first nuh,..see if Yuh will get nuh..
The form must follow the function, like the dog must wag its tail......
REFERENCES ATTACHED.......Ask me your questions, I promise to tell no lies
Gregory Lindsay Correspondance.pdf
I too know how Kim Jung Un will refer to you, he would call you a Dotard, as a country bookie, I will simply call you Dotish. Take me to court Dotard.
Too much energy being wasted on the differences on “how” information is presented.
This is where the term “cultural intelligence” comes into play, the ole people used to say “common sense” was made before books and today some say common sense is not so common anymore, yuh have to teach people “how” to think.
I can recall attending a management training class where the instructor would ask the participants in their introductions to include the number of years’ experience they have in their position as management employees. At the end of their introductions the instructor summed up the exercise by saying we have in this class over 150 plus years of experiences that we can utilize in the learning process.
Merrytonestothebone is bringing to LIGHT the problems where the “decision-makers” are not utilizing the type of skill-sets “critical thinking” “decision analysis” “problem-solving” techniques that’s needed to effectively improve the steelband movement. Let continue to engage each other in producing the type of discourse that keeps the “big picture” focus.
I see that A BIG BOY named Tony Smith has come forward in an aggressive effort to continue blinding the eyes of ordinary panmen by aggressively attacking me. A man who seems to abhor the use of what he chooses to describe as BIG WORDS but takes pleasure in using them himself, a do as I say but not as I do kind of individual. A man who has offered nothing valuable to the discussion, but whose primary objective seems to be attacking my contributions. A man from whom I have seen nothing of substance within the past week, as it relates to intelligent discourse on the topics raised, an obvious example of the jackass that may have gone to university and came out not as an educated jackass, but as a jackass with a degree having learnt about Metrics, Pie Charts, The 4th Amendment, Social Sciences and Methodologies. A man who seems to take pleasure in taking medicine for other peoples undiagnosed ailments. Quite likely a fresh water yankee, an un-welcomed and undesirable immigrant in someone else's country, a minority without a voice who believes that he can bully me into submission and stifle my views and freedom of expression, maybe he can tell us which amendment covers that. AGAIN I CHALLENGE TONY SMITH or THE ADMINISTRATORS of this forum, if my contributions, or the manner in which I present them annoy you, REMOVE ME, I HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE. Persons like Tony Smith are excellent examples of the sterility I detect and describe as being present on this forum. He has no intent or willingness to see anyone rise above the pedestal he has placed himself on, I am in competition with no one sir. I can make out the backwardness and negativity that he exudes around a corner. He sees himself as a Big Sawatee, an expat, and takes pleasure in listening to his own voice spewing sewage. I am allergic to sewage and the cesspits that it occupies. Tony Smith, you asked me to point you..., I want to point you to the latrine and some gazette paper, and believe me I am willing to take you on literally literary, and physically.
I am happy that someone has seen the value in my discourse on succession planning, someone can actually relate to the impact it's absence is having on the holistic development of the art form and its practitioners, on its administration and its relevance in a global framework.
And to Mr. Tony Smith the right and privilege is yours to report me and my contributions to the administrators of this forum, there is a tab at the bottom of the page for that.
Russell, it is obvious that you are very passionate about the pan progression which is why your postings have put the cat among the pigeons. Whatever you are doing, it's definitely working!
Where ignorance is bliss, it's folly to be wise.
Your post shows that without knowing anything about a person, you are willing to make unfounded assumptions.
To those people who are thinkers on this forum, your response shows that you are quite frankly an idiot and one who knows nothing about constructive criticism. You have reached the gutter and I do not intend to follow you there. "When they go low, you go high" [Michelle Obama]. In the words of your leaders, your response is rumshop talk and jammetry. Kim Jong-un would not be so kind, we know how he will refer to you. I hereby remove myself from your idiocy and any subsequent comment. In the words of the father of the nation - you may continue to bray. You have the floor.
Be careful, however, that you make any statement that I deem to be threatening, slanderous or defamatory because the arm of the law is extremely long. Of course, as a bush lawyer, you would know that. Please be guided accordingly.
Well played.Merrytones....Wisdom for the ages...thanks
“Succession planning seems to be forbidden and prohibited in organizations, where potential is ambushed, where any evidence of the capacity and ability to lead, instead of being nurtured is summarily executed.”
This sentence in a nutshell zeroes in on the most if not all of the problems facing the steel band fraternity, locally at least. Shot boy Russel Providence! Yuh hit it “Pang!” According to the late grandmaster. This sentence explains, band-hopping crews and individuals, the sudden explosion of Small and Single Pan bands, arrangers with multiple bands, parents carting their progeny off from band to band for hire all of which has ultimately led to the continued demise of several known and unknown steel orchestras.
Time was, when the average steel band was outfitted with it’s own tuner and arranger. Due to specialization these two important entities have to be accessed elsewhere. Now, while I could kinda understand the tuner part of the equation, I have grave problems accepting that we have bands in Trinidad existing for 40-odd years in some instances who have never produced and arranger. It was only when I offered myself as arranger for my band that the absence of succession planning hit me right between the eyes. That is, after hearing from my peers that “Yuh ent have no track record boy!” You see, the norm since several years now has been, if an arranger is required, you simply hire one from outside the fold. Steelbands don’t even as a matter of course train players to ensure new blood. Panorama coming, so hustlers must come with it too. Potential ambushed. Case closed.
In 2004 Pan Trinbago introduced the concept of categories, Large, Medium, Small. Pan ‘Round de Neck now known as Single Pan was in place already. The first year of the Small Band competition saw less than 30 bands facing the judges. Fast forward to 2017 you have 66 bands in the prelims of which 44 eventual competed. While I have always defended the decision to create the two smaller categories, it is clear that no-one saw the rapid growth of the smaller units back then. No framework to support the very participation in the competition was developed. From what I understand, you register a name this year and in two years time you can enter the competition. And then came the Government cheque. So you should see as clearly as I do now how the whole mess (to me, eh) has developed. A conspiracy theory exists that the categories, the brainchild of then Pan Trinbago president Patrick Arnold, were created upon the behest of a certain arrange who insisted that he be “allowed to arrange for any number of bands” he desired. So ah hear… Well we also know how that has worked out for the development of new arranging talent or lack thereof. Again, Potential ambushed.
It is beyond me the GOTT could annually agree to donate taxpayers dollars to panists without demanding some proof of competence at least. We real lucky in the place oui! Just submit a name and bam! $1,000.00. Jest so! Experienced player, crack shot, hard-head, hustler, iron-man, flag waver… across the board. The government doh business with whether or not performance or education or experience coincides with payment. And quite frankly individuals don’t either. The band send a list of names… Hold dat!… The reality is that many of the names submitted by steel bands for a Panorama cheque belong the individuals who don’t even play pan. What should have happened from day one is that a cheque representing “payment” to the allowed number of players per category be cut. That way the name fraud could never have happened in the first place. But then again, is votes successive governments after anyway, so the Panorama cheque is collateral damage… in a way. But not this year though!
Maybe by now some of you may understand why less and less bands parade the streets for Carnival. To even think about coming on the road a band must posses “members” in the first place. Mercenaries, hustlers, crews and the like certainly do not constitute “membership”. It simply means that an band has an “albatross around its neck” for the Panorama season and this one demands money to play pan standing in one place. Don’t expect nobody to be willing to ride on a trailer far less walk behind no pan come carnival Money or Tuesday.
In closing I want to remind us of the story of Easter Island in the South Pacific where over dependence on the islands resources of timber made it barren of all plant life. That, coupled with disease brougth in by foreigners led to the demise of the island’s inhabitants. Maybe susccession planning wasn’t foremost in the Easter Islander’s minds too… Who knows? Well we know how that one went too…
As usual , great points raised , Merrytones....
Food for thought !
To quote the Scriptures , " He who has ears to hear , let him hear " !