I wish to formally express my disagreement with reference to Panorama as THE SUPER BOWL of PAN, and not The WORLD CUP of PAN, as THE SUPER BOWL refers specifically to AMERICAN FOOTBALL, which when compared to Pan is not nearly as popular, or played in as many countries globally.
Although the SUPER BOWL may be exponentially more popular globally because of the income it generates and the volume of advertising dollars it attracts, I can say without fear of contradiction that PAN is played at a much higher level, by more nationalities than American Football, in more countries on more continents.
Why Don’t Other Countries Play American Football?
Of the four major North American professional sports leagues, the NFL is the most American. Based on data at Pro-Football-Reference.com, 96.5 percent of active players in the NFL were born in the United States.
But despite the overwhelming dominance by Americans, there may still be another 30 countries represented in the NFL. Germany, Canada, and American Samoa lead the way with seven players each.
Of course;
- German players are likely American citizens born on military bases.
- American Samoans are American Nationals.
- Canada is just North Minnesota.
Consider the following excerpt as the basis for my argument, taken from a Trinidad Guardian article of August 28th 2017 by Andrew Martin and Ray Funk: (go to link below)
"Every day schools are forming steel ensembles across the planet. Steelbands are traveling and competing in concerts, panoramas throughout the Caribbean in Brooklyn, Toronto, London, and Australia. There are a growing number of church and community steelbands in different countries. Steelpan soloists regularly perform on beaches and cruise ships and busking in the subways, and now permeating almost every facet of western music. Truly steelpan is everywhere."
This is where I would appreciate the input of the sitting Public Relations Officer of Pan Trinbago, The World Governing body of Pan, instead of "Mauvais Langue" and "Dolly House" talk.
I welcome your valued opinions on the subject of this discussion.
Hylanders - Mama Dis Is Mas
You describe me as:
What may be annoying you is the fact that you were not honest at the outset, and you obviously do not appreciate criticism, because you are accustomed to people "drinking what you intended for them to rub".
I asked some form three (3) literature students to read the article you referred to, and they agreed UNANIMOUSLY that you were referring to Panorama as the SUPER BOWL of PAN in your article, and chipped in the addendum for self-aggrandizement.
The last word is yours, I promise not to ever respond to you, and encourage the administrators of this forum to delete this discussion so that you can save face, because you are "The Asset".
However, don't choose to attack me ad infinitum, and then turn around and ask me not to do the same.
If this would satisfy you, as we say in Trinidad, take de chinee man name, Yu Win.
Dear Mr. Dalton Narine,
not because you from tong, an living in foreign, an I is ah country bookie, and not because you have a monopoly on torkin bout pan, an does make big big money for yuh lyrics wedder yuh making sense or not, an not because yuh does always get a free pass tuh panorama, and never pay ah black cent tuh go in de grand stand or as a matter ah fact, anywhere in de savannah fuh panorama, an not because yuh musbee dozen even buy a snow cone, or six pulhourie from ah vendor, gives yuh de right tuh take ah pot shot (no pun intended) at me. When yuh pulling me up come good, be factual, make sense, doh look tuh make friends and influence people.
For starters I doh really recognize yuh as no writer, historian kinda, educator trying, orator, ah eh like yuh accent. You is one ah de dozen or so people who FEEL DEY OWN PAN, an is dem alone who have a right tuh lead it in any particular direction, deze is de people who have de damn thing so backward in de first place, because anybody could grease allyuh hand tuh advocate any kinda nonsense. quote me on that.
Now as it relates to this SUPER BOWL and WORLD CUP debate, I really didn't pay too much attention tuh yuh big boy reply tuh to my discussion inno, as I was late for de JUNIOR PANORAMA, an ah like tuh support de chirren, yuh must try that sometime, it eh have no big money in it, no live broadcast, no world press and glory, but it shows character.
Let us disect the story that prompted my discussion
The Super Bowl of Pan - THE TOUGH GRIND OF LOW EXPECTATIONS (A look...
Yuh stick in ah addendum, which in no way captures the spirit of the discussion, any form 3 student of literature will tell you that there is no relation to the story an the addendum except the author, and the author only.
Consider the subject of your discussion,
The Super Bowl of Pan - THE TOUGH GRIND OF LOW EXPECTATIONS (A look at Panorama 2018 by Dalton Narine)
now assimilate your closing sentence;
"Say what. Hang it up? Life is a lot easier the lower I keep my expectations but richer for a festival that ranks as the Super Bowl of Pan. Bring it on."
Now tell me, who eh really know what dey talking bout?
An it have people who feeling yuh come out with yuh guns blazing oui.
Who vex lose, as I does always say me eh come here tuh win friends or influence people, as fellas like you does earn big big dollars for dem kinda misleading statements, while I still broken.
If I may have offended Mr. Narine and/or members of the forum, it is the right of the administrators of this forum to remove me for being factual. It is the right of people on this forum to have their own opinions and to like and dislike at their own pleasure.
Please read and try and understand what I wrote, when yuh come tuh shoot, Dalton Narine shoot, doh talk.
But serious.
Sir, you're mixing apples with oranges, and craft & culture with nonsensical jive. Mischaracterizing this process to exploit your complex sensitivities will serve, I hope, none of us on the Forum
Simply enjoy the animation of Saturday's Rama so you can reverse your social and cultural sensitivities back in gear.
If my work offends your delicate and ticklishly thin skin, just turn the page to another WST story or newsletter.
For it's no use re-engaging me in your overwrought conversation, ad infinitum.
Pettiness is a bitch. Calm down.
3 Canal - Talk Yuh Talk
Just looovvveee this tune….
What an exceptional cognitive brain you’ve got. :-)
You are a cut above the rest!
Respectfully sir, you too may be guilty of not reading the story in its entirety. I wholeheartedly agree that writing is an art, which I must remind you, like all art, the beauty of it lies in the eyes of the beholder. Contrary to your interpretation, I launched a volley, if in your respected opinion I may have missed the target, that too I suggest we agree to disagree on. If as you chose to describe the discussion, likening it to gunshots, I came to shoot and I fired, i did not talk. Consider what about the discussion may have attracted you, and what would have motivated you to respond, you have been hit and know it not, maybe not mortally wounded, but definitely wounded and temporarily disabled.
You must not have read the story in its entirety. WRITING is an art. The story was fused with another about Pan Demonium steel band performing in the 1979 half-time show to 85,poo fans who came to watch the game. The band put T&T on the map and gained a years-long lucrative contract with Disney World.
WHEN you come to shoot, shoot, don't talk.
YOU must not have read the whole story. It was twinned with a story about Pan_Demonium steel band perorming in the 1979 Super Bowl. WRITING is an art. You failed to appreciate how the work was set up. WHEN you come to shoot, shoot, don't talk.