Panorama Winners to Collect Prize Money


Finalists in this year’s National Panorama competitions will receive their prizes (cheque) tomorrow.


The presentation will take place at the National Carnival Commission V.I.P. Lounge, Queen’s  Park Savannah, Port of Spain, on Saturday December 22  2018, at 1:00 pm.


Pan Trinbago’s President Beverly Ramsey-Moore will make the presentation to the Finalists of the Small, Medium and Large Conventional Band categories.


Cheques totalling  just over tt$12 million will be distributed to the finalists in this year’s competitions.


Bands are asked to send two (2) representatives to the event.

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  • Players will get their's before panorama 2019.
    • I guess the BIG ARRANGER make noise and embarrass them so they rush and pay him!!!

      But the subservient PAN PLAYERS staying quiet so we could put them BACK ON HOLD!!!

      What ah shame. Is ah sad thing that I don't use obscene language on THIS FORUM to make my points!!!

  • Cecil Hinkson: You are a BIG BEVERLEY FAN -- so ah want yuh to explain something for me!!!

    This victory lap is being taken over this stated event: "Finalists in this year’s National Panorama competitions will receive their prizes (cheque) tomorrow."

    Now, I have been screaming about PAN PLAYERS MONEY for months.

    So I want you to tell me if PAN PLAYERS (not finalists in this year's competition) have been paid already or if they are scheduled to get paid on some other day.

    Simple explanation ah expecting from you!!! Since you are the spokesperson for THE BEV!!!

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