Some residents of Marysville have formed a steel pan band, using music to move on from Black Saturday
Lindy Burns talks to Rita Seethaler, who started Pans on Fire following the Black Saturday bushfires which killed 34 people in Marysville and burned most of the town's buildings to the ground.
Using her own contacts and a grant from Arts Victoria, Rita fitted out locals with their own traditional Trinidadian steel pan drums.
Now their infectious music is turning heads and delighting local audiences.
The band have just released their first CD, entitled 'Recovery'.
click for full story
Lindy Burns presents Evenings in 2012 on 774 ABC Melbourne and ABC Victoria
Thanks Rita
I have just received the CD. I feel very proud of being associated with your members on the CD. You are doing a wonderful job in presenting a full steel band Orchestra in Australia. We had many problems with getting pan tuners over here. Now we have a tuner such as Lennox (madman) Jordan, I think we will hear much more of Austalia and our Steelband movement. It is another way in presenting Trinidad Steel drums and its music.
How wonderful! What a beautiful place.