Trinidad and Tobago Newsday
Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. - President of Pan Trinbago Beverly Ramsey-Moore is calling on the public to do their part in supporting the return of live entertainment by getting vaccinated.
Speaking at a vaccination drive at the East Grove, Curepe, community centre on Sunday morning, Ramsey-Moore said Pan Trinbago fully endorsed the Ministry of Health's vaccination campaign and urged people to take the vaccine for their own protection.
She said fans of steelbands and other live entertainers should show their support and get vaccinated if they were serious about returning to normal.
"We are about live entertainment so it is very important for us to work in collaboration with the ministry to ensure our communities receive the vaccine.
"People take the vaccine, we want to get back out there, we want to play our music. And the only way it can happen and the only way you can receive live entertainment once again is to ensure the population is vaccinated."
Mr. RP, I would like to thank you for always taking the time to educate the pan populating about the reality of our situation. Though some may take long to understand and act on things you may say, it is always a win for PAN when they do.
Dear Mrs Beverley Ramsey Moore,
I am enthused by the fact that you do read what I write, and that you act on recommendations that I propose and suggest in discussions I raise on this forum.
You cannot deny saying that, as you denied ever telling Gregory anything privately in your office.
Unfortunately, in an attempt to discreetly discredit what I write, you "zig zag" around my recommendations, and "te te vay yuhself" before returning to do exactly what I recommended you should do.
I am happy that you see the value in my repeated prompting to promote an aggressive immunization policy.
Regrettably you choose to do that only after you failed miserably with a knee jerk attempt at the proclamation of the pan as the national instrument.
"I suspect that attendance at public events in the foreseeable future may be hinged on attendees’ ability to demonstrate immunization for, or negativity to, the COVID 19 virus and variants. How could this impact steelbands, and what mitigation is being considered? The leadership of the movement must take a stand on vaccination. Traditional income streams of steelbands are usually events of mass gatherings, steelbands cannot survive sustainably performing in a bubble. Available data suggests that steelbands cannot survive on recording sales and/or royalties at present. The likelihood of events attracting mass gatherings occurring anytime soon is remote. Consider the status of the quadrennial summer olympic game! The leadership of the movement must act swiftly and decisively."
In June of 2021 in the discussion Governance, Startup & Reopening I said this:
"Unfortunately the same cannot be said of the current leadership of the steelband movement. I will continue to advocate that the leadership of the steelband movement must take a stand on vaccination publicly. Vaccination is the key to getting the engine of the steeband industry running again. The Beverley Ramsey Moore led administration continues to fail as leaders of the “World Governing Body For Pan”. Mrs Ramsey Moore and those members of her administration who have remained loyal to her, continue to look out for themselves only."
In July of 2021 in the discussion LEADERSHIP AND VACCINATION, I wrote:
" It is absolutely necessary, and in the best interest of the steel band movement to encourage vaccination. Pantrinbago should be ashamed for not publicly taking a stand “for” vaccination unilaterally, in the interest of the survival and sustainability of steel bands in the post pandemic era."
Earlier in September of 2021 in the discussion Trinidad Carnival 2022: To Be Or Not To Be? A Q&A With The Trini... I said read more.
This is the middle of September, Mrs Ramsey Moore is aggressively:
The writing is on the wall.
In January of 2021 in the discussion Aquil Arrindell for President, I encouraged the steelband fraternity to. "...cast their vote in favor of AQUIL ARRINDELL unanimously when that time comes." Beverley Ramsey Moore is aggressively campaigning to delay her departure, I am convinced that my suggestion is productive! That time is at hand!
Mr. Russell Providence: You said that your father taught you psychology from small, so you must know how the EGO operates -- especially in a WOMAN from TOBAGO who rose to become THE PRESIDENT OF PAN TRINBAGO.
BEVERLEY RAMSEY-MOORE will never give you credit for your writings/suggestions influencing her to embrace the COVID VACCINATION PROGRAM. With people like THE SECRETARY and THE TREASURER kissing up and telling her how clever she is politically -- you think that she could admit to TAKING AN IDEA FROM YOU?
At a time when BEVERLEY RAMSEY-MOORE is being seen as DISENGAGED by STEELBANDS across the country and she is desperately seeking a HORSE TO RIDE to VICTORY in the upcoming election ... she has to assert herself as being concerned and caring ... and the idea must have originated in her head so that she could get maximum relevance from the implementation.
Too bad that NICKI MINAJ came and rained on everybody's parade with one simple TWEET ... and MACHO TRINIDAD PAN MEN don't want to GO DOWN THAT ROAD!!!