PanTrinbago to NCC: Satan Cannot Correct Satan

In a fiery interview on TV6's Morning Edition today, Chairperson for the Tobago arm of PanTrinbago, Marie Toby says it's unfair for the NCC to cast blame on PanTrinbago for unpaid dues when they've been owing money since 2014.

She also demanded a forensic audit into NCC's finances as she suspects more is happening behind the scenes than they let on in public.
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  • Arthur: Keith Diaz is still running PAN TRINBAGO -- medical leave or not. And, yes, IT WAS A FAKE SICK but yet  still man on this forum ask me to PRAY FOR HIM and tell me that I lack compassion because I  see through the KD CHARADE!

    • Claude you self...even if Diaz didn't "fake ah sickness" (according to you) believe that the UPPM had a "Ghost" of a chance of effecting a successful "coup d'état"?...

      • merrytones, I like that line, "ah Ghost of a chance"

  • Claude isn't Keith Diaz on temporary medical leave and Mr Forteau the acting president of PanTrinbago and Mr Mervin Joseph the PRO running the show till he is cleared by his cardiologist. No pun intended but is it me alone or the blind mind on Picton Street corner find that the timing of his heart condition coincide with his clashes with the two top players reps of the UPPM(We all know what stress/pressure could do to the human mind and body).I had a typical Trini lime with some other pan veterans in Brooklyn over the weekend most of whom are heading to the Mecca soon for the 2017 Panorama season and the topic of discussion was on Keith Diaz and Pan Trinbago. Also another topic of discussion was about the sudden withdrawal from the 2017 panorama competition of the only large band from our sister isle Tobago Redemption Sound Setters. After listening to the interview online with PanTrinbago PRO Mervin Joseph and the veteran announcer Mr Rennie Bishop we are under the impression that with the increase of Tobago bands the last few years PanTrinbago had to allocate more funds they got from the Govt to take care of them(Tobago bands) because the hotel accommodations and transport  bills were quite significant.I personally think that Mr Joseph handled the interview well but it was obvious that the management of all aspects of PanTrinbago has been way above their heads the last few years especially with regards to finances  . Unless more funds can come from private entities or a huge donation from a die hard pan millionaire, the future of panorama is bleak and we will continue to see more clashes like we saw with the UPPM. It will be interesting to see how things plays out after the 2017 Panorama season concludes and hopefully we the foreign entity could play a major part in the future of pan in the Mecca with respect to making some form of monetary contribution because some of us like myself are professionals and successful businessmen.          

  • Yuh tink is only Diaz who know how to make money from the Panorama stage...people want to give NCC ideas.

    Masqueraders should pay a $40 stage fee

    In an effort to boost the coffers of the agency charged with the responsibility of promoting and developing Carnival on a yearly basis and thereby lessening the dependence solely on the Treasury for financing expenditure related to Carnival, I would like to suggest the following.
    For the Parade of the Bands on Carnival Monday and Tuesday every masquerader should contribute the sum of $40 as a “stage fee” to help defray the expenses of staging their own extravaganza and in so doing help to finance and develop our internationally recognised festival and easing considerably and by their own efforts the over-reliance on “de Government or de Treasury”.
    I estimate that there are at least 50,000 people playing mas at the various venues in Trinidad and Tobago. This should boost the National Carnival Commission’s revenue by at least $2 million. If a masquerader can spend at least $2,000 on a costume then $40 is a mere pittance to pay where her own benefit and self-development is concerned.
    Let us move away from the gimme gimme syndrome and develop innovative ideas to self-finance and develop ourselves.

    • "Let us move away from the gimme gimme syndrome and develop innovative ideas to self-finance and develop ourselves."

      Allyuh think that yuh does just wake up just so one morning and get down from the OTHER SIDE OF THE BED and the GIMME GIMME syndrome will just get ERASED FROM YOUR MIND.


  • And allyuh think that dem amateur politicians allyuh send to take down KEITH DIAZ ever had a chance!!! Once he was done with them two UPPM I saw him make an immediate 180 degree turn to focus on the NCC. It was quite obvious to me!!!

    • I do understand KEITH DIAZ!!!

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