Passing of Cyril Darceuil
The Passing of Cyril Darceuil
The sun has set on the physical presence of a Casablanca Icon. On Christmas day Cyril Dareuil at 92 years quietly ceased to be part of our physical space. He will be remembered by those who knew him as a contributor to the musical experience of the Casablanca Steelband. His slim sartorial presence was accentuated by the 15 inch skirt of his second Pan which was always freshly painted. The master steelpan player’s instrument was completed with a highly polished well-crafted surface with indentations forming the musical notes. Cyril appreciated and praised the work of skilled pan-maker Randopth ‘Croppy’ Simmonds who created the instrument he used to express his musical talents.
This self-taught musician led the harmonic expressions of the single pan Casablanca steelband. He joined the second generation of Casablanca members on Argyle street under Brown Boy’s palour in close proximity to their first bamboo tent yard. This steelband collective led by Oscar Pile had created musical history mixing voices with the steelpan instrument, recording and performing European classics among other accomplishments which earned for them a well deserved page in the history of the steelband movement. Cyril introduced chords and counter melodies that sometimes frustrated and embarrassed the more accomplished musical arranger Art De Coteau who was the established musical director of the band.
That early period of steelband history is marked not only by the musical innovations of which Casablanca and Cyril were an integral part but the period is also characterized by the implosive violence which accompanied the birth of the movement. Casablanca’s formidable fighting forces also made its mark in this arena but Cyril did not. He embodied the major contradiction that was central to the steelband movement of the 40’s and 50’s in particular the East-West divide. He lived in East Dry River (EDR) and Newtown alternately but was never part of the battles waged between the two major combatants Invaders and Casablanca. His engaging personality, social skills, and general good naturedness won him life long friends across the battle lines and allowed him to move easily between warring districts.
The Casablanca family, his partner Joycelyn, his children Gloria, Danny and Tony, and his brothers Tony and Michael will treasure the memory of this quiet , distinguished Steelband Icon.
Thanks for this information and condolences to the CAsablanca community.
. I would love to know the connection between Cyril Darceuil and Darceuil Lane where Casablanca is located.
Rhoda Reddock
Condolences to the family and friends of Cyril Darceul from Quebec Steelpan Music Association Montreal Quebec Canada Knolly Smith President Rip Bro
When Steel Talks extends condolences to the family and friends of Cyril Darceuil