Paying bands their money

Why is it that all bands that are going to panorama dont demand they have half of their monies 1-2 weeks b4 panorama and the final payment night of panorama. Sign a contract and then take charge of the players getting paid 

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  • With all this talk about money for pan people , I'm still waiting for people with insight and vision to come up with a viable plan for steelbands to figure a way to compete with their real rivals in the entertainment business of T&T.

    In case you all are not aware , those would be the "bead and bikini" bandleaders, and the soca DJs, seeing as how they are the ones who capitalize the most on the best entertainment money making opportunity in T&T, which is the Carnival .

  • Where will a steelband get funds to pay players?

    • The same place they get money to tune pan....So yuh want to bring band....and not figure out how to pay players?...Yuh putting the cart before the horse or wha?...Tell me too...What other competition you know where that "pay" performers to take part?...

      • merrytones this was my beef with PanTrinbago and the ICP, they paid bands to take part, I find that was stupid. Panorama re enforce the notion of not having to look for work and it had a negative impact, bands settled for whatever they made and ignore the carnival hustle. The Steelband today want easy money and there is no such thing.

        • Who "paid" players to play for Panorama all those years before the government stipend was introduced?...From Pan Am North Stars Dan is the Man in the Van...through Woman on the Bass by All Stars...through Despers with In My House...Who pay all them panmen/women to play?....Suddenly we can't think straight because we money late...and might be short too...

          Steelbands HAVE to pay tuners, arrangers, truckers (well the government does help out lil bit too). They have to pay groceries for foodstuff and drinks. Some even have to dey lan'lord before dey get evicted...But Pan Trinbago and the government must pay the people who play the instruments? Successive governments too have encouraged the ten days mentality that get so ingrained in we that we can't think straight...We all now have to fry in we fat lil bit...The government et al...Because they will want to win the next election....Remember Manning and the Panman Pre Election Feast at the P.M.'s mansion a few years ago? Panmen went and eat, drink and were all quite merry...P.N.M. still lorse the election. 

          As the saying goes "If yuh tell a lie for long enough, people will eventually believe yuh"....Leh we keep on fooling weself...

          • "merrytonetothebone", a Government's job in every country is, to rule, guide , regulate,SERVE and PROTECT the citizens it Governs, meaning that each year , the Government of T&T has to supply the people with job's, food, education, medical benefits, support the churches, schools, and other cultures as well, etc etc etc, each year the Ministry of arts and Multi culture is allotted $250.000.000.oo 1/4 billion tt dollars to the Carnival Culture alone, to be divided into 6 categorical units, mas. chutney soca, calypso monarch, soca, panorama and dimanchegras, circa $ each, Y pan people are not being payed, I'll be posting a newspaper article of proof 2010, WHAT HAPPEN TOO THE MONEYYYYY ?????

            • Well you know that ROWLEY cut the CHUTNEY SOCA MONARCH funding by SEVENTY FIVE PERCENT (75%) this year.

              • Mi Amigo, that is how the politricters/liars/and thieves get rich, they does skim money across the board, and don't U know that a Government, every Government the world over, CANNOT OWN LAND, the land belongs to the people/citizens, a Government is like a club and not a "human being", they purchase land/property in the name of the Club/Government for themselves, putting that property in their family's name,only human being can own land/property, nor are they entitle to the the privileges of the people they govern, they get paid, they get paid to do the job, TAX payers money, property is anything owned, ah bet if you ask them to show U the deed they cant, that and God face you'll never see, perfect example/synopsis, the "alleged Genesis G-pan, Copeland call his first of it's kind G-pan Anthony Williams derived it in 1949, before Copeland was ever born, where the Late P.M Manning a cousin of Copeland was given a mandate to research and create a steel pan that has already been created, allotting him $34.5 million U.S. dollars, and has been getting $4.5 million U.S. each year since 2005, to date, patenting it in the U.S July 2010, after it has been "Internationally patented here in T&T September 18 th 1963, and Copyrighted through the "Library of Congress" Washington D.C. November 1999, and modified through "Invent Tech" July 6th 2003, total amount of money stolen from T&T by the crooks ,= $90.9 million US dollars to date, and they still want more from the citizens in T&T, and also the PNM Government took back the "Lap Top" PM Kamla Bissessar give the school children in 2011, and they are trying to take back the $500.oo she gave the pensioners in 2013, but they CANNOT, so you see mi amigo, T&T is "Under a Political Financial Siege", in other words the people are angry and restless, where a 'revolution is eminent, but the steel pan musical instrument, it will survive, it will be here long long long after they're/we're GONE...

                • JJJ, HELP me understand the math and the timeline.

                  What’s the difference in a name, Genesis, G-Pan and Spider-Web Pan?

                  The definition of patent says “an invention is not your own until it is patented"

                  The definition of copyright says “the exclusive legal right, given to an originator”

                  $34.5US million was allocated for research.

                  Started receiving $4.5US million in 2005 annually, should equal a total of $49US million plus to date in 2016?

                  Patented in US 2010 by T&T Government?

                  Internationally patented in T&T September 18th 1963?

                  Copyrighted through the "Library of Congress" Washington D.C. November 1999

                  Modified through "Invent Tech" July 6th 2003 by whom?


                  How you arrive at the $90.9US million???

                  GOTT is collecting royalties, is the money going back into PAN research and development?

                  Is the $4.5US used to support the steelbands and their communities, seem to me the money converted to TT currency could help support Pan Events year-round???

                  Is the $90.9US based on the 2010 patent filing or the patent from 1963?

                  In the US they are big on documentation as PROOF for claims, if you are filing a patent didn’t they verify the  documents to see if there’s a duplicate filing, since one was originally filed in 1963, copyrighted in 1999 and modified in 2003?

                  Excuse my ignorance following the money, don’t know patent or copyright law, with so much revenue at stake why no accountability or transparency?

                  It appears to me the GOTT has legal rights to collect royalties so the money is not stolen. Correct me if I’m wrong.


                  • Thanks JJJ.

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