Percussionist Robert Chappell plans final recital

NIU  Today

Illinois, USA - Before he retires this year, NIU music professor Robert Chappell will put together one more recital that promises to be funny, sentimental and, as usual, unforgettably entertaining.

All of his past recitals have been special, but this one will be over the top without being over the top. He wants it to reflect his work, his collaboration with NIU colleagues and friends and all the music they made during the last 30 years.


....Those who have attended just one previous recital learned after taking their seats that before the last note is struck, their emotions are stirred and their imaginations are stretched with traditional and international sounds of steelpan, piano and percussion.


Their melodies and combinations have never been heard before or since.


Those sounds could come from xylophones, pianos, steelpans, drums or an orchestra pit full of other instruments played by Rich Holly, dean of NIU’s College of Visual and Performing Arts, or NIU music professor and steelpanist Liam Teague.

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