Phase II hits a bright note

The success of Phase II Pan Groove in attracting a new sponsor is a bright note in an increasingly bleak economic period. Although financial details of the newly-sealed sponsorship arrangement between Phase II and the Hadco Group have not been made public, the investment in T&T culture by the import and distribution company sends the right signal at a time when the use of scarce foreign exchange is at the top of the national debate.

After a year of depressed oil prices, no one can be under any illusions about the challenges facing the country. This is a time for nimble responses by all interests; those who can spot opportunity in challenge will be the success stories. Steelbands will be as challenged as any other group to adjust to the new reality of cutbacks. The fact that, in this time, Phase II can secure a new sponsor is evidence that cutbacks do not necessarily mean having to surrender.

Given that Phase II’s sponsor since 1999, Petrotrin, was willing to continue its sponsorship of the Woodbrook band at the same level as their last contract would suggest that Phase II has entered an even more lucrative arrangement with Hadco. Importantly, it has done so on terms consistent with its ideological position born out of its 27 years of non-sponsorship that a sponsor’s name should not dominate a band’s name.

The philosophy of self-reliance as practised by Phase II for over two decades and by such bands as the unsponsored Curepe Scherzando and Pamberi, will be a critical success element for steelbands during this period of recession. With the Government already cutting back on subventions to Carnival, steelbands must find ingenious and novel ways for surviving on a year-round basis. If the economic downturn forces the steelband community to dig deeper in exploring its income-earning potential for self-reliance and growth, it will be one of the silver linings in the dark clouds of recession.
The ability to identify synergistic relationships with other interests and to form partnerships could make the difference between which steelband names endure and which disappear. This is as true for steelbands as it is for everyone else.

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  • When would Government start ACTION on this project?


    The matter for consideration of Cabinet is the Regularization of Land Tenure of Panyards

    in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. 

    This Project is intended for the Ministry of the Arts and Multiculturalism to facilitate the process   for   all   two   hundred   and   thirty-four   (234)   orchestras   to   receive   legal   titles   to   these properties   and   in   the   process   that   each   organization   becomes   a   fully   registered   entity.   The Ministry   of   the   Arts   and   Multiculturalism,in   an   effort   to   encourage   entrepreneurship,   self-sufficiency   and   development   amongst   Steelbands,   aims   to   regularize   the   tenureship   of   those Steelbands who have been occupying either State or private property over a long period.

    • We owe it to the steelbands to see that they remain in their community, this is just a small reward for the contribution they made to our culture.

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