I Quote the words of my Very Good Friend Ian Franklyn," Plenty of Music but not Plenty of Support, Let no one Blame on Pan Trinbago."
My question is, who should we Blame for this?
Who should we Blame if the Thousands of Local Pan supporters are not motivated and/or inspired come out and support " PAN IS BEAUTIFUL 2013"?
Who should we blame if there are no, or hardly any Newspapers Advertisements either promoting this Grand show, or the printing of Front Page results thereafter? Is Pan not still our National Instrument?
Who is to blame when the Radio Adds promoting PAN IS BEAUTIFUL 2013 are drabb, uninspiring and unprofessional? No wonder the attendance at these shows are so very poor to say the least.
Who is to Blame when some, if not all of the Participating Steelbands are not given their assistance Moneys/Fees AS YET to perform at the PAN IS BEAUTIFUL 2013 shows? How do we expect to get the BEST out of them?!
Who is to Blame when WE only Hear, Read or See anything about PAN IS BEAUTIFUL 2013, as it is happening, is on WST? VERY SPARSE OR NO LOCAL TELEVISION COVERAGE, at least I have not seen any, to showcase our National Instrument and our Skilful and Talented Pan Players at this Prestigious Event!
Who is to Blame for.........?
Who is to Blame for...............?
My friends, there are so many - Who is to Blame fors......., that I cannot agree with my Good Friend Ian!!
Is MEDIOCRITY the order of the day with our NATIONAL INSTRUMENT??!!!!
98% of the blame has to go the past present governments, it is the duty of the Minister of Culture to see the the steelpan and steelbands ALWAYS have a place of prominence in the land, after all it is we that invented the pan to be used in our festival.
Pan Trinbago have to accept the most vital 2% because they were supposed the make the government look nice.
What we have now is a 100% neglect from everybody.
Why did NATTS get the support in the "old days"? Maybe, is was because of their leadership (you think?) I guess Trinidad and Tobago has NO "professional" panmen or panwomen; just players who "eatin' ah food". They, as such, have NO "association" or "union" that one would find in "industries" where there are professionals engaging in some kind of work for (GET THIS) compensation.I get it; we play for the love of the instrument, and it's "culture", not an "industry". (Not according to our international former "students", "observers", and "interviewers"; now our fierce competitors.) I mean, isn't football nothing more than a sport; a game to be played for "fun" and for "love" (of the game)? But assuming that we had a "pan industry" and "professional panmen and panwomen", I have two philosophical questions: When it comes to "decent wages", who do you think is more important to Labron James; the manufactures who make the uniforms and basketballs, or the leadership of the NBA Players Association? Who do you think is more important to the members of the American Federation of Musicians (AFM); the songwriters and instrument makers, or the leadership of the AFM?
Ghost Who KNOWS How Important It Is To Have A Union/Association That Represents The Members, Not The "Special Interests" (i.e. Government, Corporate "Sponsors", Themselves...)
I don't know how you missed this one PT posted on Nov 5th last week from The NY Times
A Nation's Steel Soul
Published: July 07, 2002
The second to last paragraph caught my attention...
Mr. Price and Mr. Whitmyre said they plan to visit the island soon to meet with members of Pan Tobago, the largest musicians' union, about sharing the technology.
odw, I "missed" it because I do not read the NY Times. Regardless, it is a FALSE claim. Let me see if I can break it down for you:
So, in conclusion, Pan Trinbago may be able to fool the un-researched and uninformed masses, but those who understand business law, do just a little research, and apply some basic "common sense", will understand that Pan Trinbago is neither a "union", does not represent "musicians", nor are they the "World governing body" of anything or anyone. They may "govern" the naive, gullible proletariat panman and panwoman of Trinidad and Tobago, but the international community does not take their claims as being either relevant or enforceable by law. If you understood union law, you would be able to identify the practices and claims of Pan Trinbago, for what (and ALL) they truly are: BOGUS! (Prove me wrong. Present the evidence that shows otherwise, and not claims from Pan Trinbago; they can, and will, tell you ANYTHING!) As my dad warned, Pan Trinbago is the WORST thing that could have happened to the local steelbands of Trinidad and Tobago. That is why, we no longer hold claim to our "invention"; this pseudo-leadership failed the local steelbands they claim to represent. Steelbands are worse off today, than before Pan Trinbago came into being. Thanks to political and governmental infiltration. The Government now controls Pan Trinbago, and the "sponsors" now control the steelbands. The steelbands now have NO power, and are more-dependent than EVER before! And less united. These are historical facts! AGAIN, do the research! At this current rate, I give the local steelbands no more than 25 years to become extinct. Pan will then be a 100% internationally-owned and dominated market. Just like Detroit lost its dominance in the auto industry to Japan, so too shall we see the day, when the surviving panman or panwoman would have to go to Walmart to buy a pan with the stamp: Made In China! The local pan maker WILL be a "thing of the past".(Absolutely myopic and irresponsible!)
Ghost Who Understands Trade Unionism. Pan Trinbago DOES NOT adhere to to trade union law! (Contact the Trinidad and Tobago Registrar of Trade Unions for the FACTS! I did!)
Anyone care to bet that the final for the orchestras will have a good attendance? this will prove that the attendance problem was the result of the way Pan is Beautiful was packaged.
When I have more time, I'll comment in full, but I wanted to make a few quick points:
Finally, the sweeping indictments against the leadership (from the Steelbands Association to NATTS to Pan Trinbago) is not only unfair, but not in keeping with historical fact. ANYONE who knows the history of the "Association", will know that "mediocrity" was not the standard. In fact, it was TRUE LEADERSHIP that brought the steelbands out of warfare, into international fame and success, from TASPO, to the MRA Conference, to the Steelband Music Festival, to Panorama. I understand people's frustration; what I do not condone is these erroneous allegations and misinformation, that only serve to muddle the truth, and ignore the major contributions that those like my dad gave, in patriotic (maybe foolish) sacrifice. More to come later...
Ghost Who Knows The History Of "Pan Is Beautiful" and Panorama. Prior to George "Sonny" Goddard, these events DID NOT EXIST! (Please do some "fact-checking" before making your historically-inaccurate comments. Thanks...on behalf of the Pan Heroes and Sheroes.)
I stand corrected the steelband was added to the biennial Trinidad Music Festival in the 1952.
In the preliminary round of the competition, they were required to play two selections from four categories of music: calypso, mambos, rhumbas, and classics. Most bands chose to play a mambo and a classical piece. The festival also included a category for ping pong soloists who were required to perform one selection of any type of music.
At the 1954 festival Anthony Williams introduced the idea of mounting the upper pan on stands, in 1956 Katzenjammers won with a tune “The Breeze and I” The RoxyTheatre and Globe Cinema hosted these pan events.
From: Steelbands in Stage and Street Settings p. 105
The Steelband Movement, the Forging of a National Art in Trinidad & Tobago.
Stephen Stuemple
No problem, odw. But let's go to the events that fueled the NATTS leadership to hold its own "music festival". Keep in mind that the music festival used to be run by the Trinidad Music Association (TMA), and there was a "steelband class" between 1952 and 1962. We know steelband was a hit at their festival, but it was "theirs" (in the "class" sense.) A particular chain of events occurred, starting in 1962, which opened the path for independence from the TMA. (What were those events?) When you get the "whole truth" about the TMA and their "practices", you would come to understand that they treated the "steelbandsmen" with disrespect, contempt, and "snobbery". They were also involved in some very unethical and questionable practices. (What were those practices?) BTW - The steelband class drew the largest audiences back then. Not the violins, cellos, and vocalists. The leadership of NATTS, led by (the recently-reelected) George "Sonny" Goddard, would take their sudden omission from the festival, as an opportunity to hold their own. That inaugural Steelband Music Festival, run by a bunch of "steelbandsmen", and led by a man with no more than a "post-primary education", would wind up being a HUGE success! The rest is history. When people talk about "mediocre", they cannot be referring to George "Sonny" Goddard, because NOTHING he did was "mediocre". There are "steelbandsmen" today who are still alive, that are "eating nice food" because of the leadership, friendship, and patriotism of that one man, who happens to be my dad. So, rather than quote from his book, I would simply encourage you to do what he told me to do: DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH! (Not directed at you, odw; you know we cool.)☺ Ghost.
Mediocrity has always been the order of the day, when it comes to PAN. I've given up a long time ago, about getting anything other than mediocrity as far as dealing with Trinbago and PAN. The truth of the matter is simply this: PAN's potential is still incredibly unlimited, however, without the expertise to move it forward on all fronts - prime time global trade, global clearing house, manufacturing standards, effective distribution channels, customer service, pan-tourism, development, musicianship, and pride - we find ourselves deserving of where we are. Pan is in need of professional HELP. I have ideas if anyone is willing to listen. 540-819-1800.
Jerome Frederick
What is clearly needed in the Mecca is new blood to take charge of the art-form, those in charge seem to run-out of ideas. A Ministry for Pan looks better with each passing day.