PM Young—Attorney, father of two and steelpan lover

Trinidad & Tobago Guardian

stuart-young-pm-parents.jpg?profile=RESIZE_400xPrime Minister Stuart Young with his parents Priscilla and Richard at the swearing-in ceremony at President’s House, St Ann’s, on Monday.


Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. In less than 48 hours of being sworn in as the nation’s eighth Prime Minister, Stuart Young has reshuffled the Cabinet, announced several plans for the country, and shocked many by wasting no time in ringing the election bell.

. . . . The new Prime Minister said the steelpan was one of the things that he treasures.

His favourite steelband is Renegades Steel Orchestra, but he also loves Phase II Pan Groove.

In the documentary, Young added, “The steelband movement is an escape for me ... I love the whole atmosphere of pan. I love being in a panyard because it really is a safe place. It is where we are all equal. You really have a sense of equality. You see all types of people beating the pan, but you see the ability to go down on the track, the ability to mix with the pan movement, the ability to push the pan on stage, and to see your side perform on stage. To me, that is magic. That is one of the things now at this stage in my life that I hold on to and treasure.”

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  • "................people beating the pan". Hon. PM the modern term is "playing pan". We no longer "beat" the pan.

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