WHAT AH STORY!!! WHAT A STORY!!! (And ah glad ah play meh LIL PART, eh.)

But that PAN MOVING FORWARD GROUP no longer seems like a FLY BY NIGHT GROUP as the PRESIDENT OF PAN TRINBAGO went on NATIONAL TV TO PROCLAIM. Because once THE DOCTOR in charge of that region found out that PAN MOVING FORWARD GROUP OFFERED HELP to restore THIS FACILITY TO RESPECTABILITY ... they rushed to the scene and put all other projects on hold and agreed to MAKE THIS FACILITY WHOLE with the infusion of a $1.2 MILLION UPGRADE under the BLESSINGS OF MINISTER PENELOPE BECKLES.

Meanwhile, when the PAN TRINBAGO REPRESENTATIVE (Robert Hernandez) for that region found out about the UPGRADES -- he went into a HISSY FIT screaming loudly that ALLYUH CYAR COME IN MY REGION and FIX NUTTEN without MY PERMISSION -- that is the BEVERLEY RAMSEY-MOORE PAN COMPLEX where DEM IN CHARGE OF EVERYTHING but really  CYAR FIX NOTHING. And they get vex if somebody else step up to help.

And when people like GREGORY LINDSAY and AQUIL ARRINDELL and CLAUDE GONZALES decide that is it time for ACTION and NOT POLITICAL PROPAGANDA -- HE and THE BEV VEX!!!

Anyway, leh meh continue with THE STORY.

So reports are that ROBERT HERNANDEZ stormed into the office of the PORT OF SPAIN EAST DEVELOPMENT COMPANY and started to question them about the NORTH ZONE LEADERSHIP being left out of their visit to the WINSTON SPREE SIMON PAN CENTER on MONDAY MORNING (last). This is after the HEAD HONCHOS saw what THE PAN MOVING FORWARD TEAM INITIATED based on some pictures that had been forwarded to them and a little write up on the crisis of this PAN CENTER ... so based on that they (THE HEAD HONCHOS) decided THIS WAS A CALL TO ACTION.

I mean that when they saw the pictures they dropped everything they had to do and the BOSS SAID ... let us go down there now. When the HEAD HONCHO saw the attempt made by PAN MOVING FORWARD and the extent of work that was needed to bring this PAN CENTER TO EXCELLENCE they made an immediate decision to put ALL THEIR OTHER PAN PROJECTS ON HOLD and dump $1.2 million into upgrading this facility ....

On getting the news, MINISTER BECKLES demanded a report on heR desk by THURSDAY ... forcing the visiting committee to work like MANIACS to meet that MINISTERIAL DEADLINE. And discussions are on the way to sink about one point two million into making THE WINSTON SPREE SIMON presentable.

Finally, the leaders at the Port of Spain East development committee had to remind ROBERT HERNANDEZ that HIS PAN YARD is only steps away from the SIMON SPREE CENTER -- so how come he had NO PROBLEM living with the DILAPIDATED CONDITION of that PAN YARD and it is only now that he is running for PRESIDENT OF PAN TRINBAGO that he is suddenly concerned about UPGRADING THIS PAN YARD and making it live up to its HISTORIC PURPOSE.

But according to BLUEBOY: Me he know if so the thing really happen; because meh head was so bad [when I get the story]; but HERNANDEZ buss away all he shirt buttton; and he start to CUSS LIKE HE MAD.

This article was written subject to CORRECTIONS -- but since I am living outside of the SUE YOU ZONE ... I could take MY LIBERTIES.

However, this story is about 99.9999 true ... well except for the SHIRT BUTTON PART ... but allyuh know that I love CALYPSO LYRICS and ah does take meh LIBERTIES.

Lord, ah doh know what come in my head to make me support this PAN MOVING FORWARD GROUP -- but like ah PICK THE RIGHT TEAM.

And me eh know FLY BY NIGHT PAN SUPPORTER ... look, doh me tell allyuh all my PAN SUPPORT BUSINESS!!!

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