Trinidad Express October 1, 2021
To leaders of the steelband movement, pan players and supporters.
A call to action. Speak up now to stop this assault on your constitutional rights.
The recent announcement by the Central Executive Committee of Pan Trinbago re the “2021 Convention & Annual General Meeting Postponement until Further Notice” is not just illegal, but a blatant attempt to trample on the legitimate constitutional rights of all Pan Trinbago Member Steelbands in Trinidad and Tobago.
Dear Mr. Hernandez,
you have offered yourself for public office and that is noble and commendable, it is not the domain of the fainthearted. Remember that perception has the capacity to influence many decision making processes in the absence of transparency and accountability, which in this case transcends fiscal matters.
Unless you are a reincarnation of the father of our nation Dr. Eric Williams, or Keith Diaz, whom I am sure visited 99.9% of all panyards in Trinidad, and quite possibly in Tobago too, we may never meet, as although we may exist in the same square, we revolve in concentric circles. Keen observers would tell you that I am a country bookie, you are a "town man", therefore the likelihood of us crossing paths without recognizing each other in a public thoroughfare is not remote. I firmly believe that you have no interest in anything or anyone east of Morvant Junction and Kirpalani's Roundabout, except for their vote at a convention. That is my opinion to which I am entitled. The prerogative is yours sir, to demonstrate in a pragmatic way your desire to represent steelbands across Trinidad and Tobago, and be a champion for all.
Prove me wrong!
Mr. Robert Hernandez is publicly calling for the reversal of the incumbent’s decision to postpone the convention of Pantrinbago, in an effort to preserve the integrity of that organization.
Preserve the integrity of what sir?
Preserve the integrity of Pantrinbago Mr. Hernandez?
The same integrity you are trampling, and continue to deny and destroy, by aligning yourself with one of the most corrupt and dishonest steelband administrators ever?
Until Mr.Robert Hernandez can categorically and publicly distance himself from Carlon Harewood, he is undeniably the most inappropriate person to lecture anyone on integrity.
I will write again that the deceased Dexter Simon, a member of the national steel orchestra until his untimely death in 2005, told me writhing in pain and agony on his death bed, and I quote, “Mamba, Carlon and dem fucking up mih salary boy”. It would be interesting if the findings of Dexter Simon’s missing salary cheques could be publicized by the National Steel Orchestra, or the financial institution where those cheques were cashed.
Mr. Robert Hernandez must openly and permanently separate himself from corruption, mismanagement and theft, or be identified with such, before he questions the integrity of anyone or anything. His discourse on integrity must start with his sponsors, his backers, his inner circle and confidants. The evidence in the public domain suggests otherwise. As much as the steel band movement can use people with the training and experience that Mr. Hernandez has published, the steelband movement can do without puppets and pawns controlled by persons who have betrayed the trust, and lost the confidence of the movement.
Until Mr. Robert Hernandez or any other steelband leader aggressively advocating for the convening of a Pantrinbago convention, cannot come out like Boogie and Phase II, who encouraged their membership to get immunized in an effort to get the steelband industry moving again, they are only about themselves and their desire to be installed as office holders.
We must not “close one ear” to hear only what we want to hear, or “close one eye” just not to see what we know is coming. We must not consider replacing Beverley Ramsey Moore with a Carlon Harewood puppet. The steelband movement must not make the same mistakes that the United States of America made in Iraq, in Lybia, and in Afghanistan, where in pursuit of their own selfish agenda, they replaced national leaders, creating total chaos and confusion, and divided populations, ethnically, religiously, geographically and politically, killing the creation of opportunities, growth and stability.
The integrity of Pantrinbago can only be preserved by custodians with integrity.
The integrity of Pantrinbago cannot be preserved by a Puppet.
A puppet cannot call for constitutionally due elections.
A puppet is just a puppet unless it can independently and willingly free itself from its master/s controlling moves.
Until then;
Good Day Mr. Providence,
Allow me to clear up certain misconceptions that are being spread in the public domain, which are being promoted based upon rumours, misinformation and falsehoods. I am responding to you because of the statements and allegations that you have levelled against me which I find to be disparaging. To be clear Mr. Providence, I have never met you, I have never seen a picture of you, I do not know you and would pass you straight on the street. Nonetheless, I ended up in your cross hairs. As a professional and someone who would choose not to use slander or gutter politics, I would like to share the following with you.
See below a copy of a letter that was sent to all the Steel bands in support of the TT Government Vaccination Program. This was widely circulated, but it would appear that you may have missed seeing this. Note the date, and since then I have been a fierce advocate of getting the vaccine.
You have also aligned me with Carlan Harewood, and although I sense your pain and anger for a past experience you may have had with him, I think you should have confirmed with me through a private channel, before disparaging my name in the public domain. No need for us to waste each other down like that, the rest of the world is looking on and laughing at us.
Let me state now that I have no control over who may choose to support me in my efforts towards making Pan Trinbago an improved organisation. I have made no announcement, public or private, regarding a slate of candidates that is aligned to me in contesting the upcoming Pan Trinbago elections. Carlan Harewood is not on any slate that I may consider now or in the future. Out of decency and respect, I am requesting that you exercise restraint in using my name in your commentary about Mr. Harewood.
My mission is to make a contribution to Pan Trinbago and the Steelband movement, so that when I move on, it would be in a better state that when I came on board. I trust that you and I have found some common ground, and your views and outlook would be different.
Yours in Pan!
Robert Hernandez
Letter to all Steelband Leaders and Members of the Pan Fraternity: July 26, 2021
I have decided to join the leaders of our Government, the Medical and Health Industry, the Private Sector, NGOs, the Clergy and all others who have raised their voices in support of vaccinating our population against the COVID-19 virus.
As the leader of a Steel band and Secretary of the Northern Region Pan Trinbago, I am hoping that this would serve as encouragement and motivation to those who are still pondering on the question of taking the vaccine. According to the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention, COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective. The vaccines available to us here in T&T are WHO approved, and tens of millions of people have safely received a COVID-19 vaccine. There is sufficient evidence to support the claim that COVID-19 vaccines reduce the risk of spreading the virus, and can prevent us from getting the disease, especially severe illness and death.
We are being told now that there is an even greater threat called the Delta Variant of the virus, and it could just be a matter of time before it arrives on our shores. This should serve to further encourage us to get vaccinated. Here in T&T, we are quite fortunate to have received a large supply of vaccines, and anyone so desiring to get vaccinated can readily get a jab. It is now clear that protecting ourselves, our loved ones and being able to return to some form of normalcy is directly related to our population getting vaccinated.
Robert Hernandez, Manager Highlanders Steel Orchestra and Secretary Northern Region Pan Trinbago getting his 2nd jab of the Astra Zeneca vaccine on June 30, 2021 at the UTT Campus, Chaguanas.
I recognize that the decision to get vaccinated is a personal one, and the choice to do so remains yours. In making my decision, I not only thought about myself, but also my family and all the people I would normally come in close contact with, including my band members. I also studied the science behind the vaccine, and weighed the risks versus the benefits. I also considered some of the negative reports and conspiracy theories prevalent on social media.
Having made my decision, and having respect for those with differing views, I fully support the science and encourage my fellow members of the Pan Fraternity to get vaccinated.
Be safe and let's look forward to a return to normalcy as we knew it to be.
Yours in Pan!
Robert Hernandez
Manager Highlanders Steel Orchestra
Secretary Northern Region Pan Trinbago
17 Erica Street, Success Village
Laventille, 260315