Problems Loom At Pan Trinbago

Some executive members of Pan Trinbago are accusing the group’s President of acting as a rogue, and refusing to meet with them to resolve a number of issues affecting the organisation internally, which are also affecting stakeholders.

At a Press Conference, some members shared their woes, specifically the non-payment of monies to steelbands and the lack of response by the President to some members of the executive when they wrote him to request a meeting.

Cherrylene Lewis reports.

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  • Claude and Cecil

    Its been a long long fight...2959995141?profile=original

  • To much talk about the constitution,everybody talking about the constitution and no one talking about paying the bands. it looking like it's time to call in the bull-pissle gang, that's the only constitution dem old panmen understand.

  • Pan Trinbago's Constitution MUST be changed in order to break up the oligarchy. Otherwise it will be "same khaki pants!!"
    • If they had called for a BOYCOTT before PANORAMA (as some of us demanded) they would have had a chance to call DOCTOR DOLLY to the TABLE and gotten the CONSTITUTION CHANGED among many other demands.

  • Ha, everybody know what is unconstitutional.

    Everybody action is unconstitutional. 

    well throw away the book.

    • All the GENIUS COMEDIAN that RICHARD PRYOR was, my favourite delivery from him was expressed and compacted into FOUR WORDS: THAT'S THE POLITICS, BABY!!!

      Politically, THE CIP is like a GREEN MANGO in a RIPE MANGO FETE!!!

  • Notice that NOBODY eh call "THE CIP" name when the BIG DOGS start to fight, EH!!!

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