In Multi-Racial Societies like the one that exists in Trinidad and Tobago, PREJUDICE has five (5) tiers.
- I believe that prejudice has nothing to do with the color of one's skin or ethnicity, as much as it has to do with ECONOMICS, how much you're worth.
- I firmly believe that depending on your worth in any society, you posses the capacity to influence POLITICS by buying your way indirectly into the decision making process through campaign financing
- Consider, if you can influence politics, buy a politician or two though generous campaign donations, you can quite likely exert some influence on the justice system, the POLICE & The COURT.
- Once you're worth enough to influence politics, the police and the courts, and you have the capital to own significant swaths of THE MEDIA, you can now determine what information is disseminated, what the general public see and hear in the privacy of their homes.
- With control of the economy and the politics, with influence on the justice system, and control over what is seen and heard, EDUCATION is now pursued as a tool used for your benefit to consolidate the control you are already exerting on the four lower tiers.
It may not be inconsiderate to conclude that quite likely those who control economics, which gives them the upperhand in controlling politics and politicians, can control the justice system, and certainly what we see and hear through the electronic and print media. Having control over the four (4) presumable lower, but more powerful tiers, they now only aspire to educate their heirs, to ensure that they are qualified academically, from recognized higher institutions of learning, with the goal of acquiring a few stacks of papers in an effort to better understand and analyze in a scientific manner the fundamentals of proven researched methods required to dominate.
- Without an ECONOMIC base.
- Without the ability to influence POLITICS.
- We remain at the mercy of the justice system, THE POLICE and THE COURTS,
- We cannot determine the content of The MEDIA, so we are forced to believe what we see and hear
- Without an EDUCATION we are now utterly worthless, and will continue to be enslaved by the custodians of the lower four tiers.
The Public Relations Officer of Pan Trinbago who claims to be the voice of the world governing body for pan has come on this MEDIA, and his initial statement attacks EDUCATION and persons whom he suspect may have acquired it at tertiary level, he goes on to attempt to be intimidatory, by attempting to discredit the influence of POLITCS and POLITICIANS to whom he goes cap in hand without any measure of transparency or accountability, as he laments the ECONOMIC deficiencies that inhibit his ability to survive comfortably, while forcefully attempting to promote his role in shielding vulnerable minors predominantly of african decent, from the POLICE and COURTS, whom he states authoritatively were the primary targets historically, stigmatized as a result of the above mentioned deficiencies.
How can the voice of any progressive global organization open their discussion/conversation with an attack on EDUCATION, and go on to discredit the education system by aiming his disgraceful salvo at the school system?
The MEDIA which determines what we see and hear in the privacy of our homes has reported extensively on two specific groups who discredit education in their attempt to control the ECONOMICS, POLITICS, POLICE & COURTS and MEDIA in their societies, I speak of THE TALIBAN in Afghanistan and BOKO HARAM in Nigeria, groups that forcefully recruit CHILD LABOUR for war and for industry in order to control their societies and line their pockets by exerting brutal control over their subjects in environments where democracy, transparency and accountability is absent and abhorred. .
- Considering the proliferation and practice of what I shall continue to describe as CHILD LABOUR by SOME dishonest steelband leaders/owners governing organizations where there is no democracy, transparency and accountability, where under the disguise of promoting the nation instrument among minors in their communities, they are populating their Panorama Bands over which they rule with an iron fist as maximum leaders with the intent to defraud the national purse to line their pockets as they have no desire of attracting experienced adults who demand democracy, transparency and accountability,
- I believe that it is time for the children's authority to take note of this crime that is being perpetrated against out children.
- I believe that it is time for our legislators to enact laws to protect our children from these unscrupulous band leaders/owners.
- It is time for Concerned Citizens to ensure that children get the required eight (8) to ten (10) hours sleep necessary for their healthy development during the Panorama season.
It is time that the relevant authorities especially;
- The Ministry of National Security,
- The Ministry of Education,
- The Ministry of Culture
- The Ministry of Tourism
To sit up and take note of the damage that this Public Relations Officer of the steel band movement is inflicting to the national community, on minors and youth by his backwardness as published and advertised on this forum in,
Role of the Pan Yard -- Pan Trinbago Speaks
Now look what you all done gone and done. Questioning Russell and his "few stacks of paper", has unleashed a mighty intellectual tsunami. Look out!
and no one questions Russell.
The metamorphosis, where the tadpole has become an adult tadpole and not a frog, sought to address the points you are highlighting relative to Pan Trinbago and its irrelevance in this dispensation, as it has become an adult tadpole (does that remind you of anything I may have written in the not too distant past") Revisit that discussion.
I am not blaming the media sir, you have incorrectly interpreted what I sought to demonstrate, I am highlighting the role of the media, and the purposes it may serve;
Cecil Hinkson,
Child Labor in Pan sir, not unlike Child Labor in the sweat shops and plantations of South East Asia, in the cocoa fields of West Africa and in many countries where it is a common practice, is not on public display, but a practice that is engaged in outside of the public view by those who benefit financially from it. Therefore, those in the Pan World who engage in that practice may never make it to the savannah, or do they care to. Do all steel bands come to the savannah as they did back in the day? No, they don't. There are hundreds of bands that are registered for the annual competition, and the only category of steelband where ALL THE BANDS registered in that category appear on the savanna stage are the sixteen (16) or seventeen (17) large bands. Therefore my issue with child labor cannot be gauged in the savannah.
Claude Gonzales,
While there is a disturbing pattern of murders taking place in Trinidad and Tobago, sir I would suggest that you review the pattern of the recipients and award of scholarships to students entering and leaving our secondary school. Does that pattern not disturb you too sir?
“The MEDIA which determines what we see and hear in the privacy of our homes has reported extensively on two specific groups who discredit education in their attempt to control the ECONOMICS, POLITICS, POLICE & COURTS and MEDIA in their societies, I speak of THE TALIBAN in Afghanistan and BOKO HARAM in Nigeria, groups that forcefully recruit CHILD LABOUR for war and for industry in order to control their societies and line their pockets by exerting brutal control over their subjects in environments where democracy, transparency and accountability is absent and abhorred.”
Interesting how you blame the media, couldn’t help noticing the examples you gave. I sometimes wonder how as a government sponsored cultural organization Pan Trinbago operates as if it’s in a THIRD WORLD country???
Ole people saying for the PRO, “some people can only see up to the tip of their nose.”
The outdated CONSTITUTION needs to be REVISED with input from the membership, including their VOTE.
All major DECISIONS regarding arrangers, pan players and the bands registered to perform at Panorama require a VOTE from all the membership to become OFFICIAL policy. No more back-room deals.
The Panorama product needs an UPGRADE. In business PROCESSES are documented for analysis and procedures are changed to achieve desired results for their customer-base.
you are incorrect...What is being discussed is real...
Gregory, I don't consider a person over 12 a child, as I look at Phase ll line up for panorama I only saw one player that looked under 12, it is from this point of view I made my comment. Give me an approximate percentage of players under 12 that appear on the stage for panorama. Teenagers and Young People yes, CHILD ??????
I don't know where all this talk of Child Labour come from with the steelband, the number of really young children for panorama is relatively small.
Come on Cecil,
This is not 1967 - or even 1987. This is 2017. This is no different than the NCAA in the USA. Everyone is making stupid money but the players. Simply put the players need their own organization. Pan Trinbago cannot represent the players. They represent the bands' management.
The arrangers have progressed. The tuners have definitely progressed. The flatbed truck drivers have progressed.
These young people have a valued skill-set. Should teenagers who are building apps not get paid because they are young and enjoy it?
Well said Bugs,
I know kids in elementary schools who know how to crack codes in "propriety software" they are trained on how to give power-point presentation to promote their business. Overheard my 13 year old talking to his sister who was 10 at the time, she discussing who may views she got on he comparing the views he gets on his YouTube channel to the dollar amount he can make based on the viewership. Yes, teenagers are becoming empowered.
Question Bugs....who should pay them?