De More We Are Togedda
Caribana 2009, Las Part of de Court Case
Queen Macoomeh speaks on the unnecessary abuse and difficulties encountered while trying to cover the 2009 Toronto's Caribana. The Pan Alive steelband panorama competition was severely impacted.
Toronto, Canada - De ole people use to say 'plain talk, bad manners' an if dais de case, ah coming troo wid plenty bad manners today.
Watch meh:
I reach in Lamport Stadium wid all my coutrements - camera, tripod, notebook, a washrag to wipe my greazy face. You could see I come to wuk, not lime. My job is to observe an document tings to help big up my community wedda here, abroad or on de people internets. We tired see we face in de mainstream media wid some foolishness ent? So de more we could promote we talents, de better we all will be. Jump high, jump low, is we to ketch.
So why I getting boof? Why I have to stan insult from people who I suppose to be wukkin wid? An is not me alone eh, all accredited media was getting boof hard.
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This is something black people all around seem to do all the time. They're very ignorant when it comes to representing themselves sometimes. They never see the good that a few are trying to do when it comes to representing our community. All its doing it hurting us.
No well Doris, I can't and won't paint with such a wide brush. I know far too many people of colour who are not as you described. Ignorance doesn't have a colour and all communities have their issues. Ours has a rich culture and amazing artistry. We are shepherding the largest cultural festival outside of the Caribbean region.
We have things to fix and with luck we will fix them. I am pointing out what I notice but I will never decry my people like that. I am criticizing a handful of people - not all are black by the way - who left a bad impression. Most of the volunteers in Caribana are decent, hardworking people. Now THAT is something my people are good at - working hard. We need to work well with this thing.
Doris G. > Queen MacoomehAugust 27, 2009 at 10:40pm
U are absolutly right Queen. I wasn't meaning to paint with a brush as wide as it came across I did, this was more directed to a small number of a bunch. I myself is one of the ones being shepherd by Caribbean culture. I love it and can't get enough of it :-). I'm african born and I've experience other cultures too, but Caribbeans have captured my heart. This was simply my reaction to the few that I have seen. But I hear you.
Macomeh, I like what you have to say, this has been getting worse over the years. I was not in Toronto this year for Caribana, but have made many comments about how many with badges and sometimes helping out the bands get pushed out of the way and make you feel like a real fool. Caribana need to advise their volunteers about why people are given badges and explain to them how to operate in a reasonable way so that everyone get their jobs done, while at the same time bigging up the bands and masqueraders. Some of the volunteers which I have had first hand experience with very huggish, oh gosh, is human you talking to not animals and you wouldn't even treat an animal that way. We are told to be tolerant of each other, but manners and courtesy go a long way and the whole world could view it all that people pay so much money for and is only a few days. Let's respect each other and make a big change for next year. Start planning early and get things in proper order. I know Caribana is not an easy task, but you can get more out of honey than vinegar. Out for now.
Hear nuh man all yuh!
We pans corse plenty. My one tenor set me back $600 and dat was years ago! Is not as if we could go in a music shop an rent two pan fuh de season. Is backbreaking wuk going into each an every one. Dat was tirteen sets of Steel Steinways on de pitch in Lamport! An on de one day panmen get chance to exante deyself, people boofing media so we cah take a proper snap?
If somebody could explain me dis ting, I would be grateful.
When I see a flim showing footage all up inside de pan as de panist making dat ting sing, I does feel so proud! So if we block somebody for 30 seconds but expose dat one piece of flim to MILLION uddas, what is de problem?
look meh plate drop out meh mout again, ah so vex.
We have things to fix and with luck we will fix them. I am pointing out what I notice but I will never decry my people like that. I am criticizing a handful of people - not all are black by the way - who left a bad impression. Most of the volunteers in Caribana are decent, hardworking people. Now THAT is something my people are good at - working hard. We need to work well with this thing.
We pans corse plenty. My one tenor set me back $600 and dat was years ago! Is not as if we could go in a music shop an rent two pan fuh de season. Is backbreaking wuk going into each an every one. Dat was tirteen sets of Steel Steinways on de pitch in Lamport! An on de one day panmen get chance to exante deyself, people boofing media so we cah take a proper snap?
If somebody could explain me dis ting, I would be grateful.
When I see a flim showing footage all up inside de pan as de panist making dat ting sing, I does feel so proud! So if we block somebody for 30 seconds but expose dat one piece of flim to MILLION uddas, what is de problem?
look meh plate drop out meh mout again, ah so vex.