Toronto, Canada - Yes ah say Caribana 2009. Every time ah try to say Scotiabank Caribana meh teet does bite meh tongue. Ah cah get it do easy at all. Why? No disrespeck to Scotiabank eh? Dem name bank an bank belong to de Gimme Gimme Gang. Dey doh make profit by being sorf an lettin a golden goose get away. Expressly if de goose take awf all he fedders, jump on a plate nex to some kuchila an rice, han de bank a knife an fork an say “Look Meh!”
Is not me alone who feel so eh. Nuff people ah talk wid since we get buy out, feel dat dis is not Scotiabank ting, is we ting dat we give away. Is like de time a man put he wife on Ebay to sell she for 2 dollars. People make a bid oui. But unlike dat man, we went troo wid de deal an get stick.
So if anybody from Scotia reading dis, ah want yuh carry a message to de borse man or lady fuh me please? Tell dem ease back on branding my ting. Is not Scotiabank Caribana! Is Caribana sponsored by Scotiabank! Ah chuts man! Is not yours! Is mines! Doh mine what de FMC write on de receipt. I len yuh, I din give yuh. De people who ah put in charge of my festival make a bad joke. Doh get too comfertebble. Stop treating meh heritage like a low fence! As soon as ah make a profit ah comin back fuh it, so keep de receipt handy.
But udda dan dat, hear nuh man.
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