Before reading my post, please click on the following link, and read the attached article: Race and racism, are topics that are very "taboo" in Trinidad & Tobago society, and, indeed, I am aware that I have offended many, with my intentional insertion of race and class in this forum. Many see this as racism, and, based on their reactions and comments, obviously do not know the definition of "racism", or what it means to be "racist". One particular WST member, proposes that pan is "God's invention", and belongs to "every race", and that "Afro-Trinidadians" have no claim to its invention. Agreeably, any instrument is "universal", however, I am sure that we all agree that a tassa drum is an East Indian contribution to the arts and culture, and that the pianoforte (piano), came out of (White) Europe. Countries like China and Japan, produce some of the greatest classical pianists, however, no one has a problem with the fact that classical music has its roots in the "Western liturgical". As to the debate on "colourblindness", I posted a You Tube video a few week ago, but you can search the site for Tim Wise, a "White American". I think it will be a mind-opening experience, for those who do not understand the dangers of ignoring and forgetting one's cultural historical contributions to "civilization". The arts are an integral part of what is defined as being civilized, and, in my opinion, the attempt to erase Afro-Trinidadians as the inventors of the steel drum (steel pan or pan), will only serve in reshaping history, by first, omitting the facts, and then altering those facts, replacing them with "falsifications". (Compare to the "history" of "Greek civilization", after Alexander "the Great" barbarian of Macedonia's conquest of Egypt.) Ironically, there was no significant uproar, when the history of pan's invention, was manipulated, to give credit to one (Black) man, Winston "Spree" Simon. In the blatant distortion of history, "greats" and "mightys", all chimed in harmony - Kitchener, Chalkdust (with his "education"), and others. Apparently, neither of them were privy to Spree's admission that by the time he entered the steelband, pan was already invented. And so, Kitch's road march song, became memorable; a classic, based on falsehoods. Now if these works had been presented as "fiction", then there would be no issue, but, unfortunately, this was not the case. That said, it is important to recognize and remember the process. First comes the omission, then the falsification. Sometimes, when the latter fails, the former is repeated, and we are now back to the "omission" stage. The omission of pertinent facts about Afro-Trinidadian history, in my opinion, further maintains a "Western" colonial system of race and class control, and is a component of institutionalized racism. For, the "mis-education of the Negro", is an age-old tactic; used, not only in the stealing of booty, but in the removal from memory, as to who were the original owners. I have no problem with anyone, from any background, embracing our invention, and I applaud my international colleagues, for their love of "Trinbago culture". However, if they truly honor our culture, then they would have no problem, being appreciative of how, why, and from whom, the pan came. All jazz musicians know their genre is an African American contribution to the arts, and that does not suggest that ONLY "Black" people are supposed to play it. But it should also be remembered that even though Elvis Presley copied from "Black" performers, he is considered "the King". And, although the "science of medicine" and Imhotep (Aesculapius) existed long before the nation of Greece was born, it was Hippocrates, that was given the title of "Father of Medicine". In closing, I would like to say that we are better enriched, when we embrace the cultural contributions of all ethnicity. I reject the idea of "colorblindness", for it robs me of the opportunity to appreciate our "cultural differences", and immerse the beauty of life's variety. As someone with friends from various backgrounds, I can say that I am richer for experiencing different cultural norms and rituals. Even as a teenager, I remember enjoying lighting the straw on fire, and heating the goat skin to tighten it for Hosea, at the side of the street in St. James. I used to love Hosea, but I understood and appreciated that this is an East Indian contribution to Trinidad & Tobago society and culture. I hope thoe who are offended, come to terms with the fact, not opinion, that the pan is an Afro-Trinidadian contribution. Embrace the history, as much as you embrace the instrument. Your In Pan, Pan'tum - The Ghost Who Talks. (Honoring the Legacy of George "Sonny" Goddard.)

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  • QUOTE OF THE DAY: ""In Trinidad there are no racism between African and Indian. The difference are in the culture - one race save their money and the other spend what they do not have." Terry Samuel. (He forgot one: Africans does beat pan; Indian does beat book!)

    Both offensive statements to me, but thanks for the advice, on what Africans are missing: THEIR AFRICAN CULTURE!


  • Very interesting! I was able to read your intrview comments. ... You seemed "older and wiser"! Harold L. Carter M.A. Black Studies and Anthropology, on my discussion MY BAD. I devalued FIRST-HAND information by giving it away for fre...

    Mr. Carter has over 30 years experience as a high school history teacher, is an author, and owns his own publishing company. Do you think he would be credible, in whom he sees as "wise"? Who's opinion do you think would matter to me, his, or those less "educated" and experienced, when it comes to judging my intellect? Don't flatter yourselves; I have the blessings of many credible educators, historians, and community leaders, who ALL see the genius in me. I need NO validation from the WST membership, for the National Scholars Honor Society, has already deemed me worthy, to be considered of one their SCHOLARS. You may have been able to marginalize my dad due to his lack of secular education, but you will NEVER be able to do that to ANY of his offspring or future generations. I broke the "glass ceiling", by becoming the first in my family to graduate from college (with honors), and that achievement can NEVER be taken away from me! I would be neck-to-neck with any of you up in any intellectual conversation, because, besides being "knowledgeable", I have the WISDOM - ability to apply knowledge - to know how to credibly present argument. And THAT is what some of you have an issue with. And that I expose the phonies and "lick bottom Africans", as Cro Cro correctly (though offensively) labelled you (those who it applies to).

  • This brother is obviously in love with the sound of his own voice.  You can tell when they discovered consciousness late in life.  Just started reading C L R, Rodney, Malcom, Dubois etc.  We all know that the most fanatical religonists are the converts.  His screen name it all.

    • I assume you are referring to me; why not compare side by side my comments with SIDDS', and honestly say who loves to hear their own voice. As for me: I "discovered consciousness" around the same age as Malcolm X, Steve Biko, Nelson Mandella, Kwame Ture, Huey Newton, and MLK. The fact that their starts were also "late in life", did not lessen their importance nor greatness. You are entitled to your opinion, but it would be more credible if you attempt to answer the questions I raise, and not buy into the "attack the messenger" method, that those with no answers, choose. Anyone can look at the comments and see for themselves who are the "fanatical religionists" and "converts", for I am neither. I discuss pan-related topics, from a PURELY historical premise, and back up ALL my claims, not with scripture or words of "enlightenment", but with primary (secular) sources. I refer to history books, and I do not consider the Bible as being historic; rather, allegoric in content. I have over 25 years of study in Kemmet (Egypt), and, could easily dismiss ANY Bible-believer, with, FACT. My screen name has NOTHING to do with religion; I was not brought up believing in any Trinity, much less a "holy ghost". My metaphoric reference to "Ghost", is a play on the assumption that George Goddard's "ghost" is speaking. This has more to do with the comic strip character's apparent immortality, when we know it's the sons who don the purple suit, whenever one passes. I hope this clarifies why I chose the screen name. Notice, I have the  respect to respond to your comment, and I ask if you all can do the same. The only thing I discovered late in life is my purpose, and that is to always represent the TRUTH, whether it is the popular position or not. So, stand in your judgement, but, ultimately, you have NO power over me, nor my furture, which has already been blessed by the powers of Ma'at (Truth). In brotherly love,

      GHOST - Who will ALWAYS talk. 

  • No regrets. I'm glad I brought up this topic. We have a long way to go before we can say "race" is not an issue. BTW- Sorry for providing evidence of Black Africa being the MOTHER OF CIVILIZATION! (Thank you, National Geographic!) That's it; see I'm learning. Write in short sentences, and don't expect a response. I'm cool with that. (I know some of you are reading, though. come on, you know who you are: HATERZ!

    GHOST - 365/24/7 BLACK AND PROUD!!!

  • " Maybe  my name should  have been Jomosingh..." Jomo Wahtuse.

    (Not MY words. I am now knowing Mr. Wahtuse.)

  • "Highlight women's roles, not "sexist". Focus on Japanese's roles, not "racist". DARE bring Afro-Trinidadian's role to the conversation! Double-standards: Priceless!!!" GHOST

  • The attempt to include non-African influences in the "evolution" of pan - from skin drum, to bamboo, to steel - is but another chapter (maybe the last) in African's stolen legacy, which began with the Greeks stealing of Kemetic (Egyptian) knowledge, and claiming it as "Western Civilization" (code for "European". White", "non-African"), when that knowledge existed long before there was a Greece or Europe. This fact has been uncovered by numerous researchers from various disciplines, and the works of Diop and ben-Jochannan (among others), provide the empirical evidence. I would be willing to accept that we have a Utopian society, when we stop calling sweet and sour chicken with fried rice, "Chinee food", when we stop calling peas and bread, "dhal and roti", when we have African public holidays, like Eid and Diwali, and when I see more "Whites" in places like Beetham "Estate", and Bagatelle, per population, of course. When such wealth, acquired by criminal, inhumane, means, are evenly re-distributed, so that there is no need to hold "all-inclusive" (another code word) events, and ALL are INCLUDED, then I can buy into the "homogeneous society" myth, and certainly, when I stop hearing "Is we time now"! Until then, then I cannot buy into the "all ah we is one family" rhetoric.


  • So, did my research, and found that SIDDS is the "distinguished" Steve Taylor. On Facebook, even Leon "Foster" Thomas, gave up the attempt to have Steve/SIDDS provide evidence backing his claims. I ask again, Does ANYONE consider these words wise or spiritual: "The law of karma is real. What goes around comes around. If you are white and enslave black people, your next life the table will be turned around. You will take birth as a black man who will then be enslaved by whites who you enslaved in your past life. .." Steve Taylor as SIDD, on When Steel Talks. (Me, I think these are RACIST words! Not saying he's racist, but he needs to understand his words are RACIST.)

    He also showed signs of "Negrophobia", and what I call "Dougla identity issues", where he has the morbid desire to insert East Indian influence in Shango (African) drums' evolution to tamboo bamboo, then to steel drum or pan. Steve/SIDDS needs to apologize, to the many members he offended with his condescending, disrespectful, and insensitive language, and if he cared about whatever percentage of African blood he claims to have, he would be apathetic to the fact that, unlike the other "half" he claims, his "Black" ancestors came here under the brutal conditions of chattel slavery, and not as indentured labourers. Truly insensitive, disrespectful, and rude, some of his asinine responses, him and his leech. Two worms in a peapod! THAT'S MY TRUTH. You all need to keep it real!!! And stop disrespecting people with your childish, mind games, when people are sincere in their input. Bunch of confusion-makers. SIDDS, I lowered myself to your slime-ball level, last year, and you can NEVER win me in ANY cohesive, sensible, debate, you and your fake spiritual guru "BS". Look, you all who forming your pathetic, little lynch mobs act so helpless and powerless, like all you can do is go attack people's personally. You all are cyber-bullies, and I LOVE to take on bullies. No interest in nothing but your own egos, and distorting the conversation. I presented a "Blueprint" and while most gave positive feedback, this scum-bucket was the ONLY person to drag it through the mud. SIDDS, You will NEVER fool me, you WOLF in SHEPHERDS" CLOTHING. STEVE TAYLOR, I assumed we were FACEBOOK FRIENDS. Thanks for spying on and stalking me all the months. Why did you ask to be my Facebook friend? Very spooky. Something just told me to do my research, and VOILA! SIDD is STEVE TAYLOR. Well, I'll be the son of a bass pan player! Meh boy SIDDS is Steve Taylor.

    GHOST - Who tun White. Like a (White) Ghos'. lmao!

  • Take a look at the African continent and you will see what the the rethoric of nationalism is doing for the human condition.

    Black nationalist talk wiil always sound good to people like you but we all know that FORM IS NOT SUBSTANCE.

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