WTH! Fake News?
Nope, it’s true.
So you thought that the Panorama Drama ended on February 22nd when Justice Kevin Ramcharan granted an injunction that cleared the way for Exodus to change their tune of choice for the Finals of the 2019 Panorama competition, from Rag Storm to Savannah Grass?
Clearly, it was more than simply a change of song or a challenge of the rules.
Fact: Exodus Steelband and Ainsworth Mohammed, by choice, are now seeking more money from Pan Trinbago. And that’s beyond paying the cost of attorneys as the steelband body was instructed to do by the judge.
Band manager Mohammed is not owning up to that. He insisted it’s “attorneys’ business.” And what he said in a telephone conversation (see transcript below) does not line up with the court action that was filed on March 26th, in his name and in the name of the Exodus Steelband.
“I am surprised that it has come up, again,” Mohammed said. One is therefore left to wonder if the attorneys acted without his consent.
That was one day after the March 25th deadline defence when, if it intended to appeal the decision of Justice Ramcharan, Pan Trinbago could have filed a defence.
Accepting the judge’s decision and with a promise that the rules of Panorama, which was at the heart of the High Court matter- would be settled by the membership before the next competition, Pan Trinbago bowed out hoping that it would die a natural death.
Now the plain truth is that Exodus and Ainsworth, in black and white and in print will be seeking “further reliefs deemed just and expedient in the circumstances,” as instructing attorney Antonya Pierre stated in her affidavit, also dated March 26th because Pan Trinbago failed to file a defense.
And, on May 17th, 2019, in Courtroom POS 20 @ 10 45 AM at the High Court of Justice in Port of Spain, the application for a default judgment will be heard before Madame Justice Margaret Mohammed.
That’s when we will know what “damages” were suffered by the band (which placed last in the Panorama finals) and what, in terms of compensation it will be asking for.
And that, folks, is the makings of a landmark, unprecedented, court matter involving a steel band. Read on to get a better understanding of how it has reached to this stage. If you can figure what they're fighting for.
Ainsworth's Contradictions

At 6 01PM on April 9th, after publishing a teaser on Facebook, only, that Exodus Takes Pan Trinbago to Court again, I received a call from Mr Mohammed. This is what he said.
War declared.. via WhatsApp
With the documents in hand, I still wondered why his attorneys are seeking relief, or damages as we know it? Even if he did not know about it.
Even in the darkest days of Pan Trinbago, immediately preceding the October 2018 elections for a new executive, Mohammed did not stir as much as when he activated the caucus to come to his defence.
Breakdown of the bacchanal..
..for a panist to understand
‘It’s simple. They have asked for a date for their damages to be assessed which means they are claiming that they suffered some damages and they want the court to quantify that.
A total waste of time and money...
When players join the NFL and NBA they agree to follow the RULES, some are required to perform community service.
If they disagree, the players take it up with their Union Reps or accept the fines imposed by the League Reps.
Does anyone go to a lawyer for marriage counseling?
Now, maybe -- just maybe, I have too much FREUDIAN FREE ASSOCIATION in me.
But: "On May 17th, 2019, in Courtroom POS 20 @ 10 45 AM at the High Court of Justice in Port of Spain, the application for a default judgment will be heard before Madame Justice Margaret Mohammed."
Who allyuh think going and WIN?
Maybe my ASSOCIATION is a little TOO FREE and FARFETCHED -- but I born and grow up in TRINIDAD and I eh come on NO BOAT (eh, Mercer Ramdoo) ... so I swear that I understand the CULTURE and the POLITICS better THAN MOST.
And BEVERLEY and PAN TRINBAGO to owe we (EXODUS is meh family band) at least TWO MILLION DOLLARS (a slight exaggeration) when the case is CLOSED!!!
What a silly case! Based on my recall, three bands had already changed tunes prior in Panorama. If a band wants to change a tune, so what? I do not think they are going to be at any advantage. Exodus and the other bands demonstrated that.
O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive! ~ Walter Scott
We go BANKRUPT Beverley Ramsey-Moore and PAN TRINBAGO!!!