Ken “Professor” Philmore has gone too soon; it was really, really a tragic accident and everybody is in shock. He is still a young man, such an infectious personality that none of us could forget.

He was very, very passionate about his music, and - about people, and loved sharing his knowledge with anyone, particularly younger musicians, who always seemed to have an affinity with him. I know this because I worked with him several times in the U.S. and I saw that connection. I would describe him as ebullient; he was never down; it was just in his later years I saw him ‘down’ twice, very sad to see that – all of us go through ups and downs, you know? But generally, he had a very nice way.

His music was infectious. He had a flair – style and flair when he was performing, man, he was a consummate showman – that endeared him. He endeared himself to people all around the world, and he, I think, was responsible for many people, who had not come in contact with the steelpan – to get to love it. He drew a lot of people to it. So he did a lot of work for his country in promoting an instrument that he loved so much.

He had some fine compositions, you know; Pan by Storm I think was his signature piece…. Wonderful piece of music – so I mean, he’s gone now, so we wish him eternal rest.

Ray Holman - Educator, Champion Arranger, Composer

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  • well written ray

     prof you will always be remembered in our storms and calms

  • Pro was a Brother by another mother to me. His legacy and contribution to music will live on. He is defiantly a loss to the pan world.
  • Very true! So difficult to swallow this truth--he is no more! His love for PAN was inspiring and memorable.

  • He was cherished and adored for his musicianship as a panist and human being.  His passing was untimely and he will be sorely missed.  Well said Ray!!!

  • This one is difficult for all.
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