Now that RUSSELL PROVIDENCE came on the forum and emboldened me -- I am not taking any more PRISONERS on this platform.
Everybody coming and PRAISING MIA, now!!! As if the LAST YEAR was all the music education she ever had.
Where were all these "praisers" when BIRDSONG chose to kick her out after ONE TRY!!!
I stood up for her and people came and cussed me upside down in support of some EURO-TRINI-PAN-MAN who is supposed to be a JAZZ GENIUS. I live in America my whole life and AMERICA is the LAND OF JAZZ -- but dem fellahs might argue with that. And it is a PANORAMA COMPETITION -- so unless yuh name is ANDY NARELL doh tell ME nothing about CALYPSO-JAZZ.
But I know one thing: Any time people have to come on this forum and resort to cussing and calling names -- they have NO ARGUMENT.
One ah dem big EURO-PAN-JAZZ-MEN came out to the BAY AREA one time and TEN PEOPLE show up for the performance. Eight was Trinis and I was number Nine (Glenroy say that I eh grow up in Trinidad) and I think the last fellah was ah YANKEE WALK IN.
Yuh think dem could go to NEW ORLEANS (or the BAY AREA) and say dey play JAZZ?
Whey me CHORUS?
Better late than never! I ain't going nowhere.....Ah get a next text from yuh crystal Ball...30 mins ago....Keep yuh pet on a leash nuh man....carry de ting for de oil change at least nuh man......because there is no oil change money allocation for you when Madame D, bell dat fat cyat....HOHOHO
I have a real HARD LIFE, yes!!! Gregory Lindsay on one side and Donald Trump on the next side; and I have to live with that.
One set ah FALL PROMISES that ain't never going to be fulfilled!!!
Ingrid,...your confusion soon will be over...
Claude,.... Ah hope that yuh change de Oil and do a diagnostic check in DAT crystal ball....Mark my words Ah warning yuh eh.
John go meet Jesus soon.....on de junction!....remind RollyPolly we have no private hospital money eh..... Any problems or medical episodes.....straight to POSGen..
Good morning,
Dis is de Rebel Fowl here! happy holidays..cluck cluck!
Claude, de crystal ball send meh a message bright and early this morning....I taught it was an de young people does say "like the Ball Butt-Dialed meh"...Tell yuh panorama loving people in fariegn ..Doh Buy No Ticket yet.....yuh hear!
Cecil, get my tub of ICE-CREAM ready.....Soursop Please!
Bugs, get your popcaan ready... Dis Thriller about to climax very very soon.
RP, my bush lawyer cockroach......what can I say again....LoveInDeHouse
Gregory: Yuh eh nothing but ah teaser/ah when-steel-forum teaser!!!
Bus the mark nah man. Ah cyar wait until tomorrow for the news. Good news reporters doh SIT DOWN ON NO SCOOP (of ice cream). Dey does let the world know that DOLLY GOING AND TAKE DOWN DIAZ tomorrow!!!
Give us the details ... PPPLLLLEEEAAASSEEE!!!!
It is my genuine hope that we do not ever make the mistake of basing any of our decisions, in this case — to boycott Panorama or not — solely on the advice and coercion of others who are unencumbered and remain unaffected by the result or outcome of our choice.
Keeping it simple but significant.
As Dolly has welcomed Keith Diaz on the NCC board, as the President of Pan Trinbago, is she now able to remove him from either post? I'm very confused!
Ingrid: There is a term in Trinidad called OLE TALK!!!
For the past year GREGORY has been coming on this forum giving us a lot of OLE TALK (meaning: do not add much value to the content of the conversation) about DOLLY or some other BODY making a move against PAN TRINBAGO and running KEITH DIAZ out of office. No fruit has ever fallen from his OLE TALK TREE. So I expect tomorrow to be just another day in PAN PARADISE.
Two weeks ago he promised that THE FAT LADY WAS GOING TO SING -- and I can go back and give you 20 more examples.
His latest OLE TALK is that DOCTOR DOLLY has a big announcement tomorrow which will SHAKE UP the PAN KINGDOM.
Don't feel bad!!! A lot of people are confused that you could have a MINISTER OF GOVERNMENT who is fully aware of the corruption going on right under her nose and not lift a finger to protect the TAX PAYERS DOLLARS. But Keith Diaz controls about 350,000 votes that her party desperately needs. So she cannot touch Keith Diaz.
TRUMP said that his voters love him so much that he could go down the street and shoot somebody and they will still love him. Keith Diaz could steal ONE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS from that GOVERNMENT and they will still love him.
Now you know why I always call him THE GREATEST POLITICIAN IN THE WORLD.
Pan Trinbago has A LEGAL RIGHT to put a member on the NCC BOARD whether DOLLY likes it or not!!!
Look: Gregory knows much more about all this bacchanal than me. So I hope that he comes back and explains it all to you. But after tomorrow when his predictions prove to be nothing short of OLE TALK -- I think that he will take a rest for a while.
One of my favourite couplets in any Calypso comes from Colin Lucas (who just happens to be the PRESIDENT of the NCC right now).
That is not a wine Miss [Ing]lady
That is just ah JOOK
Maybe I can't teach you properly
Claude: I have to say, the Minister of Culture seems to be throwing good money after bad, especially as it is millions of tax payers' dollars so I can't wait to hear this big announcement scheduled for tomorrow.