New York, USA - ....With resounding clarity and honesty, members of the next generation of leaders, arrangers, tuners, owners, players and managers speak to the dangers and perils that face New York pan. And moreover, that which threatens the New York steelband art form’s very existence from within and without. But is anyone listening?
It was the brainchild of one of the young leaders who was very interested in the general public getting a first-hand understanding of the blood, sweat and tears that go on behind the scenes in bringing out a New York Panorama steel orchestra. The normally-reserved, quiet and extremely hard-working manager/founder of Pan Evolution Steel Orchestra [PESO], Wayne Bernard, invited WST (When Steel Talks) to listen to and document, what key young people in New York Pan had to say, felt, and lived – all for Pan in the community.
NY Khuent Rose: " tolerating bad governance under the guise of supporting culture" Sounds very familiar, doesn't it? Wherever there is "steelpan" there is bad.....ness. The 'John ' is gone.
"I have zero personal interest in Pan in New York" What's wrong with Pan in the Mecca, Claude? Real talk from real people, not the clowns allyuh have in T&T.
WHENSTEELTALKS: I did not listen to THIS INTERVIEW -- because I have ZERO PERSONAL INTEREST in PAN IN NEW YORK. (And today is a BUSY DAY between TRUMP and RP -- so I am over-extended.)
But I would IMAGINE that this conversation goes along the lines that I was suggesting for MARIE TOBY as LIAISON OFFICER to STEELBANDS in TRINIDAD and TOBAGO.
Only, she GOT THE APPOINTMENT and is yet to arrive in TRINIDAD to HEAR THE YOUNG VOICES OF PAN in T&T!!!.
Like I keep saying: EVERY SOCIETY EVOLVES at its OWN PACE.
And TOBAGO SOCIETY and TRINIDAD SOCIETY could clearly demonstrate that point.
So when you put BEVERLEY and MARIE to effect PAN PROGRESS in TRINIDAD ....