Reflections on pan and its potential


Shell Invaders performs Hookin Meh at the National Panorama finals at the Queen's Park Savannah, Port of Spain. PHOTO BY ROGER JACOB


In traditional management we talk about PESOS as an approach for training people to master a task. PESOS is an acronym for prepare, explain, show, observe and supervise. In each section of the band, I saw this happening over and over and without pushback. Imagine if this occurred every day in the public service, we would have such smooth-running institutions.

This assignment re-energised my hope not only for steelband but for my country. If I had the opportunity I would redirect the money which is allocated to creating temporary Carnival infrastructure to setting up a task force to identify the transferable lessons from the steelband yards with the purpose of finding a way to implement these lessons in the public service and all state enterprises.

In the same way that the total quality movement was initiated in the 1940s and became a way of doing business, maybe we can establish a steelband approach to doing business in developing countries but it would have to begin in the panyards and back streets of our countries. Annually, at least 5,000 people live a panyard experience of being goal oriented, highly productive and disciplined.

Economic diversification is not just a thing, but must become a way of life and sport and culture provide a rich opportunity for the brave.

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