Every so often REASONABLE (and informed) voices add their TWO CENTS to the PAN DEBATE ... and I am always tickled pink.

Cecil Paul A bit too late and no plans for large scale manufacturing, marketing and sales. However we still have the best brand. We lost many of our great tuners and arrangers because of our disrespect for a major invention by our working class scientists. We are so prejudiced, disrespectful and uninterested for the creativity and genius coming from our grassroots youths, many of whom were young men from the so called ghetto, victims of prejudice and persecution and prosecution, that we waited until the Americans and Europeans used our pan scientists to develop their steel bands. Now we make this token attempt 50 years too late after Ellie and Kim Loy. Too late. Too late. The export market has narrowed. Still there is no meeting on a comprehensive export marketing plan for implementation. The token 5 million is a further example of disrespect for working people and their world class invention.The disrespect by the ruling elites has brought us to this point.
Ansel Joseph Cecil Paul point taken, extensive research needs to be done to acquire suitable personnel to teach young tuners correct methods of all the different styles of tuning and building all the voices of the pan family first. Classes should not be limited to weeks or months but should take a matter of years, and include the social history of our Steel Pan pioneers. Just handing out money will not solve the problem of the low standard of our local Instrument. It' s a long process. Please think it through. You can find the right people. Some qualified people are fortunately still around and interested. Do your research.
Gerard Clarke The first thing we need is an on going regular supply of proper drums, to produce the instruments and a proper chrome plating facility to deliver a high quality chrome plating job like you see abroad. The chrome plating standard has declined.

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