United Kingdom - Born in 1977, with an ear that appreciated decades of music from all genres, way beyond her years. The original compositions of this Pan Woman reflected her gifts and was the outlet for a talent she shared. She played Piano, Guitar, Violin and Pan. She owned each and spent quality time composing. This was a gift displayed over her life as a musician, arranger, mentor, friend and woman of steel.
A true pan woman who is credited for her versatility. Vanya had the ability to play well and learn almost anything with pure passion and drive. She did this naturally and it gave her a pleasure that only pan can give. A proud lover of steelpan music who was respected by many as she contributed her skills in many bands both national and international.
She transferred the mentoring skills gained in her work with young people as an advisor in Harringay council.
Vanya loved to inspire and encourage musicians and openly discussed ways to develop and willingly shared her personal experiences.