Remove Carnival from Woodbrook

Trinidad Newsday

THE EDITOR: The residents of Woodbrook now bear the brunt of the impact of Carnival activities (ie fetes, shows and the two days of the Merry Monarch) through incessant noise from exceedingly loud music; masqueraders in J’Ouvert bands who deface property walls; and disk jockeys who blurt out instructions to masquerades at decibel levels even above the already loud music (while the truck is at a standstill outside of homes for at least 30 minutes).

The effect of this pounding outside of our homes from J’Ouvert through Carnival Tuesday is a form of terrorism by those who do not reside in this area and who fail to empathise with Woodbrook residents.

We have met many times over the years with our parliamentary representative, mayors, NCC chairmen, and local government representative. In addition, complaints have been registered with the EMA and the police to no avail. To whom do we turn to get relief and respect for our residential community?

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  • I believe it's the fetes and shows in the Woodbrook area, before the carnival Monday and Tuesday parade of bands on the road is the problem. This residential area is a total mess, the Town and Country Planning or whatever they are called now, did not enforce laws of proper planning in the area. They allowed too many commercial businesses, food and gambling facilities, that should not be around, or limited. All approved with no parking facilities. All contributed to the substandard today, and continuing.

    • These people .are complaining about the noise level from DJ trucks,garbage and "P"on their property and the oil, paint and mud.

  • The Woodbrook people  has a legitimate complaint that should be dealt with in a timely manner. There is definitely to much complaint about the noise level of DJ trucks, not to mention the "P" and garbage.

    Everything about Carnival is in need of SERIOUS OVERHAULING, what more evidence do the powers that be need.This is serious enough to warrant a debate in the House by all political parties, spend a day and come up with solutions.  

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