Le groupe de Trinidad s’est produit dans la grande halle de la Cité des congrès, ce samedi, pour la Folle journée. L’ambiance était bouillante.
Ils ont joué sur le kiosque, au beau milieu de la grande halle, devant une foule en folie. Ça a dansé dans les allées, au rythme des grands classiques revus à la sauce caribéenne par les Renegade Steel Band. Le groupe, originaire de Trinidad est maître du "steel pan" ou "steel drum", ces percussions métalliques. C’était chaud et c’est à voir en vidéo.
The group of Trinidad took place in the great hall of the City of the congresses, this Saturday, for the Folle day. The atmosphere was boiling.
They played on the kiosk, in the middle of the big hall, in front of a crowd in madness. It danced in the aisles, to the rhythm of the great classics reviewed with the Caribbean sauce by the Renegade Steel Band. The group, originally from Trinidad is master of the "steel pan" or "steel drum", these metallic percussions. It was hot and it is to see in video. (Google translation)
Finally some one noticed. Kudos to Renegades – A BAND ON TOUR!!!
You were probably rushed and gave a literal translation. Thanks a mil.
I offer another 'copy', one which I trust will meet with your approval.
Much love to your band.
The Renegades Steel Orchestra from Trinidad performed in the great hall of La Cité, this past Saturday, for La Folle Journée which is the annual classical music festival, and the largest, held in Nantes, France.
The atmosphere was electric.
The steel orchestra performed on top of an elevated kiosk which was staged in the middle of the tightly packed Grand auditorium. They were surrounded and embraced by an overly enthusiastic crowd that eagerly danced and pranced in the aisles to the infectious rhythms of some of the great Trinidad classics.
As the video will show these master pannists surely raised the temperature of the great hall.