Condolences for a departed soldier and friend.
Gabriel Dolabaille,( ‘Young Boy’, ‘Chow’) is another one of our fallen pan soldiers. Coming from St. John Village (Tunapuna/St Augustine). This village housed at least four steelbands in the last 60 years. “Hot Spots”; “Volywykers”, “Flamingoes” and “Exodus”. Gabriel is one of the few to have participated in all of these bands over the decades. He toured with Exodus to Edmonton Canada, in the early eighties. But his passion and love for the last three decades were Flamingoes. Always in the pan yard, always helping out, always making something happen. When someone was needed to attend the Pan Trinbago meetings, Gabriel was one of the people attending. I grew up in the village knowing him from youth times. For the last decade and a half, we developed a tighter bond working to bring back Flamingoes. He will be sadly missed, but we thank him for all his contributions to the village all the village steelbands and especially his Flamingoes. Condolences to his family and friends. Thank you, Gabriel, may the Almighty Allah have mercy on you and give you comfort and peace while you rest.
Gabriel Dolabaille (Young Boy, Chow) in Flamingoes pan yard with two of my grand kids.
Rest In Peace brother.

Gabriel in the pan yard 2.png

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