Dr Lance Seunarine is a member of WST and also an author of three books with a fourth coming out some time this year.
He was taken back with the plight of Bertie Marshall, having seen it happen before with Allan Gervais where after their contribution to Pan they ended up needing assistance to make ends meet.
The Doctor has chosen not to just talk like most of us do on this forum but to do something so that pan people would not be in need when they retire.
He has decided to start up a RETIREMENT FUND, with the help of WST and it's members he will donate 20% of the sale of his books toward the start up, he is already donating 20% to a scholarship in T&T.
Dr Lance saw a need and decided to get Pro Active, the rest is left up to the rest of our membership to support this brother.
To find Dr lance books go to www.tricanbooks.com.
Bro. Lance would you like repeat how this is going to work for the benefit of our members.
The Retirement Fund for pan people in need is off the ground and running, not fast but running, one book has been sold.
20% of book sale is $3.60US
$3.60US= $23.04TT
Any member that don't want to buy a book could match the $3.60US or make a donation.
This is the second time a member has stepped up to the plate to do SOMETHING for pan people other than talk. [ Salah was the first]
We are depending on our membership contributions to make this thing work. TOGETHER WE CAN DO IT
Thanks Brother Cecil I will check with Verizon. We had a power outage recently so that might have knocked the connection. Will check on it today Thanks Dr. Lance Seunarine
Greetings: The score card for the retirement fund is 1 maybe. The issue is still at hand. With the exception of one person planning to purchase a book ( Pantum), no one else has made a request. What ever happen to: Being my bredrens keeper? Give thanks Dr. Lance Seunarine
Dr Lance, we have to come up with a plan to remind members of what you are doing, once this post get push off members will forget about it. As I've said before "ah like D wey Trini talk" but ah doh like D wey how yuh have 2 ring Trini hand 2 put it in he pocket. You will have my order within a week [not a plan to purchase] I tried calling the number on the order form but did not get an answer.
Doc, I am sure there are a few others who plan to purchase, but GREAT QUESTION! What ever happened...
GHOST - Who Values Books More Than Silver And Gold! And honors ALL our authors on WST, especially the ones that "give back".
Dr Lance, I woke up today with the words of an old "China Man" which says, Man who say it cannot be done, step aside and watch Man who is doing it. You truly understand the concept of "To whom much is given much is expected" you are an example for all of us. I want you to know that there is no greater sitisfaction in life than knowing you have used what you have to help yuh Brother.
If I can can help somebody as I move along then my living shall not be in vain. [got that from an old song]
Cecil: I like that "... step aside and watch Man who is doing it" line. I have a little addition for you along the same thought wave.
When a WORD is deprived of its dimension of ACTION, that WORD is changed into IDLE CHATTER!!! The WORD is changed into an alienated and alienating "BLAH BLAH BLAH" and it becomes an EMPTY WORD.
Cecil, you could get me in trouble, boy, like nobody I ever meet before!!!
I am still trying to figure out some of your intentions. If there is anything that I said about "WORD" or "WORDS" is not accurate, then please correct me. To simply warp the message, again, makes you guys look bad, not me. The "intelligent" ones on this website, understand and appreciate, where I'm coming from, and what I bring to the pan family table. I seek NO praises for the works that I do in my community, PROMOTING MY COUNTRY'S CULTURE, and have NEVER been one involved in "IDLE CHATTER". Your obvious dislike (to put it mildly) for me, have you arguing some very silly points, and I already vetted myself more than ANY of you, on this site, so that EVERYONE can see who does "ACTION", and who is involved in purely "idle chatter".. The only "idle chatter" actually comes from you guys, and the unbiased members know that, and see your intentional attacks on my person. To clarify, the "Blueprint" was designed to be a COLLECTIVE EFFORT! Not an individual effort, because I understand the strength in UNITY, and also understand that the ONLY thing I can give is my soul, which I have given to this WST forum. I have no control over your responses, and they have nothing to do with my intent, nor the efforts and energy I exhaust, ALL because I love my country and culture. The idea was only given to me by "God", and, again, I am not the one your attacks affect, because I am only the vehicle that was chosen, as my dad was. Claude, I am not sure if you are aware, that, in my reality, your opinion matters nothing to me, and , I have enough endorsements from the powerful and relevant people and institutions that matter, including the National Scholars Honor Society, who have made me a lifetime member of their organization. So, your critique means little and holds no validity, in ANY intellectual context. What is apparent, is your jealousy in the fact that I am more articulate, knowledgeable, relevant, qualified, experienced and giving (of self), than any of you, and you cannot handle your lack of worth to ANYTHING. So, you have to go out every day, and attack people, but at the end of the day, you still have to face your own worthless realities, while I continue to build on something that none of you have: A LEGACY!!! Something neither of you have. Claude, all you are doing is PLAYA HATING, We PLAYAS are used to HATERZ!!!
GHOST - Who Talks In Ways That Simple Minds Will NEVER Understand. (And there are those on WST who know that. You fool ONLY the people you entertain, namely, YOURSELVES!
Pan'tum my brother ,,the old saying or quote is ,,,ignorance lies in the Bossom of the Fools,,and don,t forget my brother that whatever a man sows he surely reaps,,,,at age 56 + i have seen this materialise in my lifetime whenever we do think that we are causing harm to our fellow men ,,,,WE ARE DOING OURSELVES ,,,being healthy, and athletic at the moment is all that matters to some of us in this world,,but soon or late as we are about to Leave this World,,WE DON,T LEAVE SO QUITE EASILY,,, we do suffer,,,AGAIN I,VE SEEN THIS IN MY LIFETIME,,RETRIBUTION,,i do put myself also in the counting,,in closing my message to those of whom they do think that this specific comment refers to them,,if the cap fit wear it,, straight up,,,my comment was made with my YEH YEH,,, ,my innermost spirit,,, an AFRICAN CULTURAL WORD,,i could have used verbs and adjetives to addresss certain irrelevant and sarcastic comments made by some specific members on this website,, but i decided not to,, THE DEVIL IS FINDING WORK FOR IDLE HANDS TO DO,,respect for all,,God Bless
Claude, Iron sharpen Iron.