
  • Ritson: I want to make sure you don't miss my message -- so I am bringing it back up!

  • Ritson Douglas: You just gave me an idea that could benefit you. Since you fully well understand the exercise I described, maybe you can produce, yourself, (yuh still looking young and handsome -- and you are a good player and obviously a PAN INSTRUCTOR) a VIDEO demonstrating the exercise discussed and send a copy of it to KEITH ROWLEY.

    When he goes home in the night he could follow the video and TEACH HIMSELF TO PLAY THE PAN.

    That would be a GOOD EXERCISE mixing some fundamental music theory with a demonstration of the actual hitting of the notes. But the camera has to be on THE PAN at the angle where the student could see the layout. And the notes have to be played VERY SLOWLY so that the student could easily repeat the actions.

    You have a good idea, maybe we could develop it together!!! Clearly you have ALL THE RESOURCES and THE SKILLS!!!

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