Adjudication a) A panel of seven (7) judges will be selected to adjudicate the National Panora 2003. Two judges shall serve as alternates, so thatin the event that one or more of the seven (7) judges are unavailable to function for the entire competition, he or she shall be substituted by an alternate.
b) The highest and lowest and lowest points awarded to a band by a member of the adjucatring panel will be excluded, and the score to be awarded will be the aggregate of the other five/three judges.
c) In the event that two (2) or more of the adjucating panel awarded the same score to a band at the highest and lowest level, only one of these scores at each level will be eliminated.
d) The decision of the judges shall be final and binding and the Executive Committee will entertain no protest with regard to judging.
e) Each adjudicator shall score each band on individual score sheets.
f) The Carnival Development Committee shall present the Antigua and Barbuda Pan Association with copies of the scored results for each band that competed in the National Panorama Competition 2003, no later than two (2) days after the said competition. The signature of each adjudicator must be attached on each of the score sheets.
To date, it is not clear if whether or not the relevant authority within the Antigua and Barbuda Pan Association is fully aware of its own Rules and Regulations with regards to the National Panorama. It is undoubtedly clear, that with a panel of three adjudicators, neither the Aggregate System nor the High and Low System of marking could be applicable. Hence the relevant authority within the Antigua and Barbuda Steel Pan Association need to explain to the Pan fraternity et al, the true reason for the contravention of Rule seven (7) of the the Association's National Panorama Rules and Regulations.