People vex with me from the start because THE MAN start to beat up AQUIL and they thought that I should have supported AQUIL. Well, yuh know, I came on the forum to advocate for GLOBAL PAN PROGRESS above ALL ELSE. Specifically with PAN MUSIC!!!
And this is a difficult forum because new people come on sometimes reading TODAY'S NEWS without reading YESTERDAY'S FORUM NEWS. But at the bottom of all this I keep hoping that a TOW TRUCK will pass by and STOP and JUMP START the PAN PROGRESS ENGINE. But I know better!!!
Hey, what did BROOKE SHIELDS say in the commercial: Nothing could come between ME and my Aquil!!! Or something like that!!!
This RUSSELL PROVIDENCE PAN MAN HEARING LOSS INITIATIVE is very intriguing to me, because it calls for ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS. And RUSSELL PROVIDENCE does not know how CRITICAL I have been in this area.
Mr. Providence: I have an old FORUM MESSAGE for you!!!
There is a guy named SIDD who used to post regularly on this forum!!! And he once came on and said that if you line up 20 of the best brains in TRINIDAD and gave them all MBA degrees from HARVARD -- they still will NOT be able to build a DOLLY HOUSE!!! Now that is NOT EXACTLY what he said. But with my OBSESSION with STAND UP COMEDY I am known to distort and exaggerate and reverse and add absurdity to reality. But in the end SIDD and I are on the same page.
But, RUSSELL: If you mean business with that HEARING LOSS INITIATIVE ... I am ALL IN with you!!!
I would sure like to see PEOPLE ON THIS FORUM get together and accomplish ONE THING. Seeing as how with all the BRAINS down in that island and ALL THE EXPRESSED LOVE FOR PAN -- is some YANKEE TRINIS in New York who had to STEP UP and SET UP this FORUM.
And is Andy Narrell ... ah better STOP HERE!!!