Why is it necessary to screen under 21 steelbands registered to compete in the 2020 Junior Panorama?
There are 16 bands registered to participate in the 2020 UNDER 21 Panorama Competition. The preliminary round of panyard judging to determine which ten (10) of those sixteen (16) registered UNDER 21 bands will face the judges at the Queens Park Savannah for the finals is about to commence. However, it is not a foregone conclusion that the judges will turn up at your panyard anytime this week to AUDITION your UNDER 21 BAND, unless A SINGLE PAN TRINBAGO YOUTH ARM OFFICIAL IS SATISFIED THAT THE ARRANGEMENT IS WORTHY TO BE JUDGED.
I will write that again;
unless A SINGLE PAN TRINBAGO YOUTH ARM OFFICIAL IS SATISFIED THAT THE ARRANGEMENT of an UNDER 21 ENSEMBLE IS WORTHY TO BE JUDGED, and although your band is registered to participate in the competition, and although young people have been putting in long hours long before christmas of 2019, if it is the opinion of A SINGLE PAN TRINBAGO YOUTH ARM OFFICIAL that your band should not be judged, some UNDER 21 bands may not even be considered as worthy to be judged in their panyard AS PAN TRINBAGO'S YOUTH ARM WILL NOT FACILITATE PRELIMINARY ADJUDICATION BY BRING THE JUDGES TO YOUR YARD and DISQUALIFY YOU BEFORE YOU GET A CHANCE TO QUALIFY.
It would be interesting to hear the views of all those who are not inclined to question or disagree with decisions made by the world governing body for pan.
ha..... gad doye.......
old mass in d place
This is not a good look. Last time I checked, Pan Trinbago officials were not musical appointments.
bugs this is the best post I ever hear you make and you always make goo points
SERIOUS business here, who am I to JUDGE!!!
Golden Hands - Oil & Music