Salah: There is so much discussion of PAN MUSIC on this forum by the LESS MUSICALLY INFORMED. I would really like you to come on and explain some of the PANORAMA musical intricacies to the MASSES.

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  • Well Claude, you have called me out....I am also amazed by the adjudicating of 2016 and I do have an opinion like everyone else. But there are some intelligent analyses of the panorama ....but it is also highly subjective for the adjudicators as well as the general public.

    I have been to the semifinals last Sunday... (now back in the cold.) ...It is one thing to listen and look at the panorama and a different perspective to be actually there at ground zero .. LIVE while it is happening......Similar arguments and similar controversies every year...sometimes very hilarious responses and sometimes very constructive ...I don't have the time to get into all of it but sometimes I feel it necessary to contribute my two cents also, which I will as time goes on.........

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