National Junior Arts Festival Steelpan Finals
San Fernando, Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. - Following hectic preliminary rounds for Sanfest—the Annual NGC (National Gas Company)-sponsored National Junior Arts Festival—in North and South Trinidad and sister isle Tobago, eight primary and eleven secondary schools’ steel orchestras are heading to Skinner Park in the South on November 2 for the finals. Orchestras in both categories will put on their best performances to see who will rest their hands on the two brand new trophies donated by Pan Trinbago South Central Region. For some, the new competition venue could be a long journey from their schools’ pan theatres, where the preliminary judging took place. |
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victory at Sanfest.
Congrats to Success Stars Pan Sounds 2010,2011 & 2012 Sanfest Winner
Boogsie and Robert live at the Central Bank Auditorium, Saturday 3rd Nov.
Pan Jazz finl in the Savanah on the 4th which is Sunday THAT IS USUALLY A TREAT
Excellent!!!!!!! The Future of the Steelbands. Great!!
"For some the new competition venue could be a long journey from their school pan-theatres" What exactly does that mean ? I would like to ask the writer that question. It immediately reminds me of the few years that Panorama was held in San-Fernando and the ridiculous discussions about how far the bands from East and West had to travel not one SELFISH person took into consideration the fact that bands were coming from DEEP DEEP South for years without a murmur. Here it is we have something being held in San Fernando called Sanfest organised by pan-trinbago SOUTH and the distance rears its ugly head again. Maybe the writer is unaware that Sanfest embraces more than Pan which is one part of something that is held in San Fernando on a yearly basis. Do not encourage our young in the backward view that Port of Spain is the best place for every thing
Sarah Ann, the arguement at the time when Panorama was at Skinners Park and all (P.O.S) Steelbands journeyed to San Fdo was the cost involved to transport and not the venue where it is held. It costs much less for bands to come to P.O.S than to go to Sando or so they think.If you remembered, that year all the Steelbands that played at the finals at Skinners Park came from P.O.S. Left up to me I would have ALL Panorama competitions in Sando or even Tobago. I had a BALL in Sando 2007/08 and loved the change. Madam, Real PAN PEOPLE will go anywhere the Steelpan plays in Trini without a murmur. See you at SanFest!!
. It was a change and two of the most profitable Panorama's of all time. And these tunnel vision people should not start off with that with the future of Pan