Guardian February 11, 2020

A new rule en­forced by the Trin­ba­go Uni­fied Ca­lyp­so­ni­ans’ Or­gan­i­sa­tion (TU­CO) which dis­al­lows ca­lyp­so­ni­ans from singing a new ren­di­tion in the fi­nals of the Ca­lyp­so Monarch com­pe­ti­tion is not sit­ting well with four vet­er­an ca­lyp­so­ni­ans who see the move as a way to “muz­zle and sti­fle” their free­dom of speech and force the old heads out of the in­dus­try.

Yes­ter­day, ca­lyp­so­ni­ans Hol­lis “Chalk­dust” Liv­er­pool, Er­ic “Pink Pan­ther” Tay­lor, Car­los “Skatie” James and Michael “Sug­ar Aloes” Os­una were up in arms with TU­CO’s 2020 di­rec­tive that ca­lyp­so­ni­ans who ad­vanced to the fi­nals of the com­pe­ti­tion on Di­manche Gras night must not de­vi­ate from the songs they sang in the pre­lim­i­nary round at var­i­ous tents ear­li­er this month.

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  • This is unacceptable and totally lacking artistic abilities. Calypso is telling a story. We always look forward to the new song or added verses which either come with great humour or true true facts. This decision may be applied to the youths but for seasoned calypsonians no way.

  • Agree with the calypsonians!

  • So leave the name of the song the same. new lyrics maybe a a new chorus. Would that not be breaking the rule?

    • You make a great point, Eric!!!

      Would have loved to sit down in a RUM SHOP in TRINIDAD and talk this out with YOU and PATRICK.

      I could see the arguments from both sides. But to address your point: The writer has to keep a very delicate balance when constructing a CALYPSO -- you are proposing a REAL CHALLENGE. As prolific as CHALKDUST has been it may not be that big of a problem for him but for lesser skilled writers ... well it is a very thought provoking discussion.

  • How difficult is it to lay down the rules the year before.

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