
  • Like the calysonian said "This is Trinidad". You can't expect too much from Politics and Pan Trinbago .
  • ha ha ha ha ha ha ha 

     give us a break please

  • hmmmmmmmmmmmm

    Claude is the statute of limitations up on this?


    • Bertel and Bugs: I expect PRESIDENTE-FOR-LIFE Keith Diaz (along with the NEW MINISTER) to make some major declarations about their VISION FOR PAN and PAN TRINBAGO in the NOT TOO DISTANT FUTURE. So I am just taking a little REFRESHER COURSE in BUZZ WORDS and CATCH PHRASES so that I will be better able to C-O-M-P-R-E-H-E-N-D the 2015 MESSAGE.

  • Claude wey yuh bringin back dem ole ting for, to git people vex and frustrated??!!??!?

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