To all who think that the steelband "golden era" has passed and we must accept it's status as it is todayI say shame on you, to all who have this defeatist attitude to wards the steelband and carnival, I say shame on you, to all that say that the young people doh want steelband on the road, I say shame on you, to all who feel that having all these pan shows during the year could make up for the absence of the steelband on the road for carnival, I say shame on you, to all that say this topic is a tired one, I say you doh love the steelband.
To all the advocates of change you should know that it should always be for the better, if it's not yuh better go back to what you had.
For over thirty years people stood by and watch the steelband pushed out of carnival, you will get a million and one reasons why things are the way they are, but the fact remains that the steelband is important to our culture and should always be a player in our carnival celebrations.
In New York they are having a forum to deal with issues pertaining to the steelband, they invited comments or suggestions from anyone on this site, How come in the Mecca everyone is asleep on the steelband?
Cecil, yourself and 98% of WST active members who comments on the board migrate between 70's to 90's (true or false) this pan brain drain cause all the problems we are witnessing today. Pan on the road would never be like before 70's. Carnival is a Business and people with an idea and vision could make money with the steelband namely fetes, recording, promoting etc.
Claude Gonzales put out an excellent idea about releasing a best 10 Panorama tunes CD , good idea, no taker.
Pan are alive in TT at the moment National Steelband Music Festival Pan is Beautiful X11 is on - I personally had enough pan in 2013 as I see it pan in TT is getting bigger and better every year. I can go on and on, this pan culture in TT is heading to be an INDUSTRY get on board before it is to late.....
Gavin, I hear what you are saying, my problem is the steelband carry carnival to the point of breaking loose then come all the Johnny come lately and making all the carnival dollars [an could play the race card here but I will not] and the steelband is pushed aside. As I said before reguardless of what is done during the year it CANNOT compensate for Carnival Monday and Tuesday. T&T owe it to the steelband that they share in whatever spoils carnival bring.
Most steelbands these days Doh come on the road, doh play in ah fete, doh make a record, doh make it to the second round in Panorama, I'm beginning to wonder if they serve any useful purpose. If anyone was concern about why sponsorship is hard to come by these days here is your answer.
Steelband music is the VIBE of our nation, it is well worth standing up for, we should NEVER let it be side lined for carnival.
SHAME! (Or put another way: E-SHAM! lol.)
BTW - Introducing the E-Cat. Does not eat, shit, or shed. The "Cadillac" of Cats! Coming soon: The E-Panman and E-Panwoman; also do not eat nor shit, and do not have to provide for a family, like (real) human panmen/women do.
E-Ghost, the "Cadillac" of ghosts. (Can be programmed to sound like Casper, Spooky, Fatso, Stinky, Stretch, and other ghosts. Holy Ghost upgrade available.)
John Henry
Could you explain to me how (absolute pan) is an insult to pan and the culture. I saw it and did not think anything negative about it, and I would really like to know what I am not seeing, and I agree with you on the mecca does not respect pan as it should be respected
I was not to impressed with the steelbands I saw on the road for carnival in T&T the same in NY, should I sit back and tell myself this is what young people want or tell myself I must learn to accept change? Too many people are silent about the state of the steelband in the Mecca, someone has to bring to remembrance the good days because to many want to forget them.
Cecil, We don't want to forget them days that is why all we can do is just sit back and Reminisce. Is the young people take over now.
Well, you should hit the newspapers, radio and television IN TRINIDAD with your message/crusade.
Ah thinking about getting Jacob Edgar to write ah piece on the state of the steelband to see if he could wake up some people. lol